Thursday, June 23, 2011

[189] Sistemas de Compostaje Mayas

Aprovecho el medio de una sesion de permisiologia del CIAPR para tratar un tema viejo de alcantarillado.  El tema de hoy es Salud Ambiental.  Asi que fue natural estos articulos de los sistemas de alcantarillado que han encontrado en las exploraciones mayas.

CHURN MODE:  Les dejo unos curiosos links de los curiosos sistemas de acueductos y alcantarillados desarrollados por los Mayas y que ahora estan siendo redescubiertos para alternativas economicas para el compostaje y reuso de agua.

Today, this concept has been rediscovered for the treatment of human faeces and household wastes (e.g. kitchen wastes). A promising application of terra preta sanitation (TPS) is the adaption of existing urine diverting toilets to replace the storage and dehydration treatment of urine and faeces. Terra preta sanitation (TPS) systems are based on a three-step process of collection (including urine diversion), lactic acid fermentation and vermicomposting. Lacto-fermentation is an anaerobic process, but in opposition to anaerobic digestion no gases are produced. The process thus is also odour free which makes it particularly interesting for in-house systems even in urban areas. TPS has a high potential to prevent nutrient or carbon loss to the atmosphere by producing highly fertile compost (terra preta) and liquid fertilizer for agriculture.

Treatment Process and Basic Design Principles

The concept of terra preta sanitation. Compiled by SPUHLER, D.; adapted from TILLEY et al. (2008) and GENSCH (2010 b)
The concept of terra preta sanitation. Compiled by SPUHLER, D.; adapted from TILLEY et al. (2008) and GENSCH (2010 b)

Mas detalles en su website.

El principio, sistemas de compostaje creados por los mayas cientos de a/nos antes de la llegada de Colon a America:

Paving paradise to put up a … fountain — or a toilet?

Archaeologists already know that the Maya had an extensive irrigation system, fed by nine streams that ran through Palenque to the fields below.
The constricted conduit, one of nine, had a capacity of about 68,000 liters, and it alone could have stored enough water to supply scanty rations for several thousand people for a week during the dry season.
The pressurized pipe could have supplied a fountain where people could dip jars to collect drinking water. But the putative fountain was “probably beautiful,” says co-author Kirk French, a lecturer in anthropology at Penn State. “Everything the Maya did at Palenque was over the top, grandiose, in art and architecture.”
Fountains also serve a social purpose, says French. “They are in a central part of the city, where people can fill jugs and socialize. It’s funny, we refer to ‘water-cooler conversations,’ but it seems this has been going on for a very long time.”

Saturday, June 18, 2011

[188] Joanna Newsom - Monkey and Bear

Down in the green hay
Where monkey and bear usually lay
They woke from a stable-boy's cry

He said; someone come quick!
The horses got loose, got grass-sick!
They'll founder! Fain, they'll die

What is now known by the sorrel and the roan?
By the chestnut, and the bay, and the gelding grey?

It is: stay by the gate you are given
And remain in your place, for your season
And had the overfed dead but listened
To that high-fence, horse-sense, wisdom...

Did you hear that, Bear? Said monkey
We'll get out of here, fair and square
They've left the gate open wide!

My bride
Here is my hand, where is your paw?
Try and understand my plan, Ursala
My heart is a furnace
Full of love that's just, and earnest
Now; you know that we must unlearn this
Allegiance to a life of service
And no longer answer to that heartless
Hay-monger, nor be his accomplice
(that charlatan, with artless hustling!)
But; Ursala, we've got to eat something
And earn our keep, while still within
The borders of the land that man has girded
(all double-bolted and tight-fisted!)
Until we reach the open country
A-steeped in milk and honey

Will you keep your fancy clothes on, for me?
Can you bear a little longer to wear that leash?
My love, I swear by the air I breathe:
Sooner or later, you'll bare your teeth

But for now, just dance, darling
C'mon, will you dance, my darling?
Darling, there's a place for us
Can we go, before I turn to dust?
Oh my darling, there's a place for us
Oh darling
C'mon will you dance, my darling?
Oh, the hills are groaning with excess
Like a table ceaselessly being set
Oh my darling, we will get there yet

They trooped past the guards,
Past the coops, and the fields, and the farmyards
All night, till finally:

The space they gained grew
Much farther than the stone that bear threw
To mark where they'd stop for tea

But walk a little faster
And don't look backwards
Your feast is to the East, which lies a little past the pasture

When the blackbirds hear tea whistling, they rise and clap
And their applause caws the kettle black
And we can't have none of that!

Move along, Bear; there, there; that's that
Though cast in plaster
Our Ursala's heart beat faster
Than monkey's ever will

But still;
They have got to pay the bills
Hadn't they?
That is what the monkey'd say

So, with the courage of a clown, or a cur
Or a kite, jerking tight at its tether
In her dun-brown gown of fur
And her jerkin' of swansdown and leather

Bear would sway on her hind legs;
The organ would grind dregs of song, for the pleasure
Of the children, who'd shriek
Throwing coins at her feet
Then recoiling in terror

Sing, dance, darling
C'mon, will you dance, my darling?
Oh darling, there's a place for us
Can we go, before I turn to dust?
Oh my darling, there's a place for us

Oh darling
C'mon, will you dance, my darling?
You keep your eyes fixed on the highest hill
Where you'll ever-after eat your fill
Oh my darling, dear, mine
If you dance
Dance, darling, and I love you still

Deep in the night
Shone a weak and miserly light
Where the monkey shouldered his lamp

Someone had told him
The bear had been wandering
A fair piece away from where they were camped

Someone had told him
The bear'd been sneaking away
To the seaside caverns, to bathe

And the thought troubled the monkey
For he was afraid of spelunking down in those caves

Also afraid what the village people would say
If they saw the bear in that state;

Lolling and splashing obscenely
Well, it seemed irrational, really; washing that face

Washing that matted and flea-bit pelt
In some sea-spit-shine, old kelp dripping with brine

But monkey just laughed, and he muttered;
When she comes back, Ursala will be bursting with pride

Till I jump up!
Saying: you've been rolling in muck!
Saying: you smell of garbage and grime!

But far out
Far out
By now
By now
Far out, by now, Bear ploughed
'Cause she would not drown:

First the outside-legs of the bear
Up and fell down, in the water, like knobby garters

Then the outside-arms of the bear
Fell off, as easy as if sloughed from boiled tomatoes

Low'red in a genteel curtsy
Bear shed the mantle of her diluvian shoulders;

And, with a sigh,
She allowed the burden of belly to drop like an apron full of boulders

If you could hold up her threadbare
Coat to the light where it's worn translucent in places

You'd see spots where
Almost every night of the year Bear had been mending suspending that baseness

Now her coat drags through the water
Bagging, with a life's-worth of hunger, limitless minnows;

In the magnetic embrace
Balletic and glacial of Bear's insatiable shadow;

Left there!
Left there!
When Bear left Bear
Left there!
Left there!
When Bear stepped clear of Bear

Sooner or later you'll bury your teeth
Pura Poesia.  La discusion de una relacion entre un mono manipulador que explota hasta la muerte a una osa de circo.  Simplemente lo pongo porque es una cancion triste y la interpretacion de Joanna Newsom es excepcional.
In 2002 and 2003, Newsom recorded two EPs, Walnut Whales and Yarn and Glue. These homemade recordings were intended to serve as a document of her early work; she recorded them on a Fisher-Price tape recorder.[7] These EPs were not intended for public distribution. At the suggestion of Noah Georgeson, her boyfriend at the time and the EPs' recorder, she burned several copies to sell at her early shows.[7] John Fellman, co-producer of Mission Creek Music and Arts Festival, claims to be the first to have booked a show for her.[8]
A friend of Newsom's passed one of these CDs on to Will Oldham at a show in Nevada City. Oldham was impressed with Newsom's music and asked her to tour with him. He also gave a copy of the CD to the owner of Drag City, his record label. Drag City signed Newsom and released her debut album The Milk-Eyed Mender in 2004.[9] Shortly thereafter, Newsom toured with Devendra Banhart and Vetiver and made an early UK appearance at the Green Man Festival in Wales, returning to headline in 2005, 2007 and 2010.
Newsom's work has become prominent on the indie scene. Her profile has risen, in part, due to a number of live shows and appearances on shows like Jimmy Kimmel Live on ABC.
Her second album Ys was released in November 2006. The album features orchestrations and arrangements by Van Dyke Parks, engineering from Steve Albini and mixing by Drag City label-mate Jim O'Rourke. On a road trip, Bill Callahan recommended she listen to the album Song Cycle by Parks, which led to his being chosen to arrange her work on Ys.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

[187] Intermezzo : Verbalizando (2)

My current situation does not allow me concentrate enough to write a coherent article at this moment.  I will continue shortly once I sort things out.  There are just too many things from too many flanks.  I'll do some crazy ramblings, even include a couple of links on the meantime.

The Ghost Writer
You may have noticed that oficially there are two writers in this blog, yet all articles (except one) were written by me.  Yet the spark that began many of the articles were the theological and argumentations made between Mildred and myself.  Me being the scientific and calculating mind, she being the intuitive and metaphysical.  Between the two we made lenghty arguments that eventually made the alchemical nature of the posts possible.  Science and the fantastic can coexist.  Mildred never wrote here, but it is as if she did.

A Leap of Faith
Like the song goes - Do You Believe In Magic? 

It all depends on what you are looking for.  We live on the fantastic everyday, if we look correctly.  The Celestial Mechanics guide us ( in ways unimagined.  And I am not talking astrology now, but more in terms of synchronicity (  This is the sort of crossroads I am right now.  Mildred began this, now these two childhood friends continue an uncharted course.  It took a large leap of faith to even follow this course.  Will it be best on the long run?

One of Jung's favourite quotes on synchronicity was from Through the Looking-Glass by Lewis Carroll, in which the White Queen says to Alice: "It's a poor sort of memory that only works backwards".[9][10]
'It's very good jam,' said the Queen.
'Well, I don't want any TO-DAY, at any rate.'
'You couldn't have it if you DID want it,' the Queen said. 'The rule is,
jam to-morrow and jam yesterday--but never jam to-day.'
'It MUST come sometimes to "jam to-day,"' Alice objected.
'No, it can't,' said the Queen. 'It's jam every OTHER day: to-day isn't any OTHER day, you know.'
'I don't understand you,' said Alice. 'It's dreadfully confusing!'
'That's the effect of living backwards,' the Queen said kindly: 'it always makes one a little giddy at first--'
'Living backwards!' Alice repeated in great astonishment. 'I never heard of such a thing!'
'--but there's one great advantage in it, that one's memory works both ways.'
'I'm sure MINE only works one way,' Alice remarked. 'I can't remember things before they happen.'
'It's a poor sort of memory that only works backwards,' the Queen remarked.
So Far It Is Working
Strange thing is.  All seems to be fitting a pattern.  A strange pattern.  Still I don't understand all the pieces, but feel they are fitting.  Like something out of a plot of a movie,  Let's say Mecanica Celeste (Venezuela, 1995):
Celestial Clockwork (1995) »Mécaniques célestes (original title)
Ana bolts from her wedding altar and flies from Venezuela to Paris (in her wedding gown) to realize her dream of becoming a great opera star. The great Parisian director Italo Medici is filming an operatic Cinderella, but will Ana "fit into the glass slipper" before she is deported back to Caracas? The evil, plotting, self-absorbed Celeste tries to thwart Ana, but Ana has a great team in her corner: her Russian voice coach, a wealthy lesbian psychoanalyst, a prescient gay waiter/astrologer, and a voodoo witch doctor. Fun and adventurous.

More Changes Ahead
The Long Winding Road
Mildred always had an eye for the fantastic.  We both face a new road, we decided to value our friendship and our son more than the domestic bickering.  We are at the transition period.  Its rough and patchy but all seems to be reaching a resolution.

Something New on the Horizon
What fate awaits thee?
New opportunities.  A brave new world.  In my case, something unexpected (actually something sweet and pretty) that makes the burden lighter.  Time for a related music video...

A Pisces lady loves romance (She loves romance)
Her movements tell you at a glance (She loves to dance)
Why they say Pisces rules the dance (She's got the glance)

She values flowers more than gold (She flows like gold)
Thinks of her men as knights of old (She's never bold)
She's very spiritual I'm told (She has never told)

Logic can take the backstage for a while.  I have the right to be a bit irrational at this stage.  Will both phases of my personna reach a resolution again?  Only time will tell. 
Thanks to Mr. Montt, always being able to express things so simply.

End of the Rant
Later Days

Sunday, June 5, 2011

[186] El Doctor Who, Animado

Decidi tomar una sabatica (forzada por el departamento de cobros de AT and T) de mis labores y pagina web.  Este es mi primer articulo desde mi nueva base de operaciones.  El caos, cuando tiene un proposito, sigue siendo un caos?

De mi baul de peliculas recomendadas: Ghost Dog - The Way of the Samurai

Ghost Dog: There is something to be learned from a rainstorm. When meeting with a sudden shower, you try not to get wet and run quickly along the road. But doing such things as passing under the eaves of houses, you still get wet. When you are resolved from the beginning, you will not be perplexed, though you still get the same soaking. This understanding extends to everything.

La pelicula tiene a Forrest Whitaker como un samurai urbano.  Tiene una pista hecha por RZA (mejor conocido por Wu Tang Clan).  Mafiosos cantando Public Enemy.  What is not to like?

Asi esta mi situacion.  No se que nos depare el destino, pero sea lo que sea, la ruta que estamos tomando es la correcta.  Sigue teniendo muchos elementos de caos, pero segun cae en tiempo, el caos se conoce.  Les dejo esta linda animacion que encontre en Cartoon Brew ayer.  Esta hecha con un feeling a lo Miyazaki.  Es una historia con una ni/na ciega.  Espero lo disfruten tanto como yo lo disfrute:

Le doy gracias a mis amigos de siempre.  Sobre todo a cierta amiga que desde la distancia me hizo recordar los muchos buenos tiempos y lo gran amigos que eramos en aquellos dias de universidad.  En una conversa telefonica de corazon a corazon me recordo como conversabamos nuestras penas y glorias en mi viejo Sentra blanco 1984 en el estacionamiento de la Piscina Colegial.  Veintipico de a/nos no son nada.   

Tambien doy las gracias a aquellos nuevos amigos, los jovenes y no tan jovenes, que se han mostrado comprensivos ante mis constantes cambios de humor estos dias.  Estoy mucho mas moody que antes.  Ante tal situacion he tenido que quitarme la imagen de lo que era para mostrar mi vulnerabilidad.  Un cangrejo sin coraza se siente desnudo ante el mundo  Y eso no es facil, natural o agradable para mi, aunque si necesario.  Antigonum me llama un Julio Verne alocado (o algo asi), mis compa/neros de oficina me llaman un guru o Einstein, mami me llama un idealista.  En realidad, soy una amalgama de experiencias.  Dado que puede haber similitud, pero solo en la superficie.  Cada persona es un mundo.  Y creo que no puedo seguir dejando que solo mi empleo me defina.  Quizas cuando empece este blog en septiembre de 2009 fue una voz dentro de mi que necesitaba salir.  Cassandra speaking?  O acaso el arcangel Gabriel que decora mis logos y mi tag necesita mas transformacion en mi. 

Gabriel representa el elemento agua, es un patron de comunicadores y artistas.  Estimula la intuicion y creatividad.  Siempre es el mensajero de los cambios.  Quizas finalmente entiendan, por mi profesion y aficiones, lo natural de tal seleccion de emblema.
Pero ya desvie.  Este articulo no era sobre mi psiquis, autoanalisis o espiritualidad.  Fue que viste este fan project con el Doctor Who, al estilo ochentoso y con elementos como los Daleks, Davros, los Metalmen en un estilo de animacion de los ochenta bajitos, incluyendo el fan service con la detective flasher que siempre sale en series com Armitage, Ghost in the Shell, Project A-KO, etc.

Un fan project de cuatro a/nos,  Man, eso es amor al arte.  Les dejo los links de Metafilter y Boing Boing:

Que puedo decir.  Tiene todo lo que hace especial a Doctor Who, con secuencias de mecha y batallas espaciales tipicas de los 80 bajos.  Y tiene hasta la poster child.  La chica comun que pelea y que esta que astilla.  Doctor Who tiene algo bueno, aunque algo infantil, fue algo que nos expuso al hard science fiction moderno.

Anyway, aqui les dejo varios juegos flash de la serie.  Sobre todo las de los Daleks:

Y si tienen un rato, visiten a los otaku de Vortice Online, que le tienen gran admiracion al Doctor (y escriben buenos articulos de peliculas que me gustan):

Y cerrando.  Tenia que incluir esta animacion de Yuki 7.  Al estilo de las peliculas de los 60.  Parece sacado de un Vogue de la epoca:

Looks That Kill - HD from Yuki 7 on Vimeo.

Kevin Dart and pals have done it again - this is a spot-on spoof/embrace of the sexy swinging badass mystery-solving lovely-lady genre. The “Gadget Girl” heroines star in Looks That Kill, the new book and DVD, which they’ve just put up for pre-order.
In Dart’s previous Yuki 7 venture, Seductive Espionage, we see an elaborate backstory to a feature film that never was, but probably should have been. Don’t miss the earlier short, A Kiss from Tokyo

A Kiss From Tokyo - HD from Yuki 7 on Vimeo.

Desde el exilio (no el Nueva Quisqueya, sino el de Bayamon City, Antigonum) les dejo.