Friday, January 13, 2012

[231] Judas Iscariote, Lady Gaga y la Era de Horus

Hacia tiempo que no le ponia mi esfuerzo a la parte Alquimica de la Alcantarilla.  Asi que usando de pie forzado un articulo de Puertorriquenhadas en Mostaza sobre el personaje de Judas Iscariote decidi desarrollar un poco toda esta mitologia que esta detras.

Asi que comencemos con el 'due credit' a Antigonum y el escrito por Daniel Samper Pizano (, 'Piedad con este pobre huerfano!", Plaza & Janes , Bogota 1984:

Primero algo de Daniel Samper Pizano.  Escribe para la revista El Carrusel y se pueden ver sus articulos previos aqui:

Judas Iscariote ha sido siempre representado como el traidor por excelencia.  Sin embargo esa percepcion ha ido alterando en literatura reciente.  Les dejo una cadena, asi como la que discuti en articulos anteriores de la historia selectiva de la Iglesia en este tema:
Jorge Luis Borges - Las Tres Versiones de Judas

El cuento corto aqui:

Borges parece haber predicho todo lo del evangelio no canonico de Judas, el cierre aqui:
 En vano propusieron esa revelación las librerías de Estocolmo y de Lund. Los incrédulos la consideraron, a priori, un insípido y laborioso juego teológico; los teólogos la desdeñaron. Runeberg intuyó en esa indiferencia ecuménica una casi milagrosa confirmación. Dios ordenaba esa indiferencia; Dios no quería que se propalara en la tierra Su terrible secreto. Runeberg comprendió que no era llegada la hora: Sintió que estaban convergiendo sobre él antiguas maldiciones divinas; recordó a Elías y a Moisés, ,que en la montaña se taparon la cara para no ver a Dios; a Isaías, que se aterró cuando sus ojos vieron a Aquel cuya gloria llena la tierra; a Saúl, cuyos ojos quedaron ciegos en el camino de Damasco; al rabino Simeón ben Azaí, que vio el Paraíso y murió; al famoso hechicero Juan de Viterbo, que enloqueció cuando pudo ver a la Trinidad; a los Midrashim, que abominan de los impíos que pronuncian el Shem Hamephorash, el Secreto Nombre de Dios. ¿No era él, acaso, culpable de ese crimen oscuro? ¿No sería ésa la blasfemia contra el Espíritu, la que no será perdonada (Mateo 12: 31)? Valerio Sorano murió por haber divulgado el oculto nombre de Roma; ¿qué infinito castigo sería el suyo, por haber descubierto y divulgado el horrible nombre de Dios?

 Ebrio de insomnio y de vertiginosa dialéctica, Nils Runeberg erró por las calles de Malmö, rogando a voces que le fuera deparada la gracia de compartir con el Redentor el Infierno.

Murió de la rotura de un aneurisma, el primero de marzo de 1912. Los heresiólogos tal vez lo recordarán; agregó al concepto del Hijo, que parecía agotado, las complejidades del mal y del infortunio.1944

Judas como el heroe tras bastidores

  • In Martin Scorsese's film The Last Temptation of Christ, based on the novel by Nikos Kazantzakis, Judas Iscariot's only motivation in betraying Jesus to the Romans was to help him, making Judas the catalyst for the event later interpreted as bringing about humanity's salvation. This view of Judas Iscariot is reflected in the recently discovered Gospel of Judas. The film King of Kings presents a similar betrayal.

  • In Andrew Lloyd Webber's musical Jesus Christ Superstar, Judas is portrayed as a tragic hero who believed that Jesus was not the son of God, but rather just a man. Since he feared that if Jesus' following grew too large then the Romans would attack and kill the Jews, he betrayed Jesus to Caiaphas and Annas to prevent a bloodbath.

  • Si aun no han visto la pelicula, se la recomiendo.  Es excelente, sobre todo la pista por Peter Gabriel y los grandes vestuarios, incluyendo tatuajes henna para darle realismo a los actores.  Rese/nas aqui:
    One of the most outstanding aspects of Last Temptation is the incredible score composed by Peter Gabriel. It combines indigenous music from the Middle East and North Africa with folk music and some rock sounds, often with a driving "primitive" drum beat to create a unique, ethereal sound. Even if you have reservations about seeing the movie, check out the soundtrack. It may be listed under New Age music in some stores.

    Although I can understand why some Christians may have difficulty with some of the images of Christ, The Last Temptation of Christ is hardly blasphemous in spirit. The main forces behind its creation come from an eclectic Christian background--Scorsese is Roman Catholic, screenwriter Paul Schrader is Dutch Calvinist, and novelist Nikos Kazantzakis is Greek Orthodox--and they have blended their backgrounds to make a film geared towards western audiences.

    First of all, Judas in this canon is certainly not the Judas of the New Testament. He is not depicted as evil or a traitor. Judas was merely acting under orders because he was the strongest disciple (see "Before its Time?" above). Judas was a religious zealot who, at first was sent to kill Jesus. He accepted his teachings instead and somewhat reluctantly became a follower. At first he was disgusted by Jesus making crosses for those who oppress them. Although he began to trust Jesus and see him as the son of God. Judas seemed to understand Jesus the most and was by far the most commited disciple to the cause. With a tendency to fight more than love, Jesus and he contrasted each other.

    What made Judas's character so controversial was that some viewers considered him more wise and brave than Jesus. He is considered a stronger character to some because he confronts Jesus after Christ is shown as an old man, not having died for the sins of the Jews (see "Temptation of Jesus"). Judas has done his part, although Christ wavered and did not die as planned by God. Although this did not eventually happen, it is an intriguing point referring the character of Judas himself.
    Un disclaimer: el autor de esta rese/na no le gusto para nada el caracter 'blasfemo' de la pelicula.  Pero da una idea de lo polarizante que es la pelicula.

    Judas the hero; John the Pentecostal

    Nor is it only the portrayal of Jesus himself that is antithetical to Christian thought. Virtually every characterization, every aspect of the film is deliberately iconoclastic, self-consciously contrary to traditional Christian understanding, calculated for shock value. First and foremost is the reinterpretation of Judas Iscariot (Harvey Keitel) as a principled hero, a man who ultimately "betrays" Jesus only because Jesus orders him to do so over Judas’ own tortured objections. When faithful Judas demands to know whether if Jesus himself, were he in Judas’ place, would be able to betray a beloved master, Jesus replies (in a moment typical of the film’s sensibilities), "No, I couldn’t. That’s why God gave me the easier job [i.e., dying on the cross]."
    Throughout the movie Judas acts almost as Jesus’ conscience. As the film opens we find Judas patriotically upbraiding Jesus for collaborating with Rome by his cross-making. When Jesus begins his ministry, Judas follows him conditionally, warning him that if he betrays his mission Judas will kill him. Finally, in the climactic scene, it is a stern, prophetic Judas (or a dream-representation of him) that recalls Jesus to the necessity of his dying on the cross.
    Once again, there’s nothing wrong with trying to humanize Judas to an extent, or give him understandable motivations. The filmmaker can even make us empathize with him to the point of feeling that we too would be capable of doing what he did. But what he did, in the end, has to be wrong; and Keitel’s Judas never manifests anything like corruption, self-interest, or pettiness. Jesus is the main character and protagonist here, but a case could be made that Judas is the film’s true hero, or at least its most idealized character.

    Un Pasito Atras - El Evangelio de Judas
    In contrast to the canonical gospels which paint Judas as a betrayer of Christ who delivered him up to the authorities for crucifixion, the Gospel of Judas portrays Judas's actions as done in obedience to instructions given by Christ. The document also suggests that Christ planned the course of events which led to his death. This portrayal seems to conform to a notion current in some forms of Gnosticism, that the human form is a spiritual prison, that Judas thus served Christ by helping to release Christ's soul from its physical constraints, and that two kinds of human beings exist: the men furnished with the immortal soul which is "from the eternal realms" and "will abide there always" ("the strong and holy generation...with no ruler over it", to whom Judas belongs), and the other ones, the majority of mankind, who are mortal and therefore unable to reach the salvation. The Gospel of Judas does not claim that the other disciples knew about Jesus's true teachings. On the contrary, it asserts that they had not learned the true Gospel, which Jesus taught only to Judas Iscariot, the sole follower belonging to the "holy generation" among the disciples.

    Religious responses
    In his 2006 Easter address, Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, strongly denied the historical credibility of the gospel, saying[27]
    This is a demonstrably late text which simply parallels a large number of quite well-known works from the more eccentric fringes of the early century Church.
    He went on to suggest that the book's publicity derives from an insatiable desire for conspiracy theories:
    We are instantly fascinated by the suggestion of conspiracies and cover-ups; this has become so much the stuff of our imagination these days that it is only natural, it seems, to expect it when we turn to ancient texts, especially biblical texts. We treat them as if they were unconvincing press releases from some official source, whose intention is to conceal the real story; and that real story waits for the intrepid investigator to uncover it and share it with the waiting world. Anything that looks like the official version is automatically suspect.
    Later the same year, Biblical scholar Louis Painchaud argued that the text suggests Judas was actually possessed by a demon.[28]

    Judas, Lady Gaga, Iluminati y la Era de Horus
    Hasta yo tengo limites.  Aqui hay conceptos para hacer varias peliculas de Hollywood:
    Lady Gaga’s “Judas” video is a modern retelling of biblical stories, where Jesus and his disciples are portrayed as a biker gang. But don’t mistake the video for a Bible lesson as it twists and turns important scenes to give them a very different meaning. In fact, it can be argued that the video symbolically describes an important aspect of Gaga’s work and of society in general: a rejection of Christianity in order to make way to what has been called the Age of Horus. This article will look at the origins and the symbols found in Lady Gaga’s “Judas”.

    con joyitas como estas:

    Gaga as Mary Magdalene

    The video portrays Jesus and his disciples as a biker gang riding around with skull-and-bone insignias on their backs (nice touch). Gaga is riding with Jesus, playing the role of Mary Magdalene.
    Although it is not clearly specified in the Bible, Mary Magdalene is said to be the prostitute who was about to get stoned to death by an angry mob until Jesus came along and said: “Y’all country-ass, donkey-riding peasants better drop them rocks and go on home before things get REAL ugly up in here”. Wait, that’s what Samuel L. Jackson would have said. Jesus actually said: “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone”.
    At the very end of Judas, Gaga is seen stoned to death, insinuating that Jesus was not there to save her.

    Gaga as Mary Magdalene stoned to death. In Judas, Jesus has failed to save Gaga. Also, does this scene portray Gaga being persecuted by people who are offended by her music?
    So Gaga plays the role of Mary Magdalene where Magdalene is not only the friend and disciple of Jesus, but his lover. This portrayal of Mary Magdalene as Jesus’ mate became popular in the past few decades with books such as The Jesus Scroll (1972), Holy Blood, Holy Grail (1982), The Gospel According to Jesus Christ (1991), The Da Vinci Code (2003), The Two Marys: The Hidden History of the Mother and Wife of Jesus (2007); and by films like Bloodline (2008). These alternative accounts on Jesus Christ’s life originate from modern interpretations of Gnostic and apocryphal texts (mainly the Nag Hammadi) where Magdalene is described as Jesus’ “favorite disciple” and “companion”. An interpretation of the apocryphal Gospel of Philip even alludes to Jesus “often kissing Mary Magdalene on the lips”.
    Some occult circles believe that Jesus lived well beyond the age of 33 (a number they believed was selected for symbolic reasons). Some claim that Jesus married Mary Magdalene with whom he had a daughter named Sarah. Some even claimed that they moved to Southern France, where they started the fabled Merovingian Bloodline.
    Judas therefore portrays Mary Magdalene from this angle, where Gaga is the wife of Jesus. However, she only has eyes for Judas.

    Algo de la Edad de Horus aqui:
    It is time for their world to be destroyed. It is time for a new age, the Age of Horus. It is time for a new standard, a new canvas, and a new artist. We must forget this wasted generation and amputate it before the mind rots away with it. Paint it, record it, write it down before they kill you with their slow poisonous stupidity. Make yourself heard.
    This Internet is your middle finger to the universe, don't let them break it.
    Fuck their world. Let's make our own.
    The third and final Beast
    Marilyn Manson

    El 'bottom line': Jesus cerro la edad de Piscis y Lucifer abre la Edad de Horus..
    No entiendes?  Es como cuando los abogados mataron el nombre de Walter Mercado para ahora  llamarlo Shanti Ananda...

    [Churn out]


    antigonum cajan said...

    Beato aqui si que la bateo de cuatro esquinas...Me tomara un tiempo ir i venir, que esto no muede masticarse ni digerirse en dos sentas...pero que conste en el acta...Hice lo de Judas i Samper, luego de un articulo reproducido del libro Weeds, aun por terminar, donde indico que si me preguntan, expulsar al Adan i Eva por comer lo que fuere de un arbol, siendo a first offense, withougt due process, un castigo exagerado, mas alla del delito, apelable en Boston i el Supremo. Aqui, digo, en adicion al de la Haya. Conho que divertido esto de la lectura beyond the imaginable...,Gracias Beato....por esa consistencia poco usual en esto de la bloguedad...

    Beato said...

    Han salido unos cuantos temas de lo mas interesantes estos dias. Son tan buenos que hay mucha tela de donde hilar.
    Asi que seguire exponiendolos segun los vaya desarrollando.
    Eso es lo interesante de la web. Podemos seguir con los mismos tres chistes hasta el cansancio, comentar noticias y repetir opiniones o usar la red para aprender algo nuevo cada vez...
    Gracias tambien por ser consistente. Saludos.

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