Tuesday, November 15, 2011

[210] Manejo Agua de Lluvia - Nuevo Video EPA

Churn mode!!!  Haciendole el trabajo a los noticieros.

Les dejo el link aqui con subtitulos en espanol:

Sorry que sea en Flash.

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Reduce Runoff: Slow It Down, Spread It Out, Soak It In

Photo of city skyline.
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Reduce el cauce pluvial: Disminuye la velocidad del agua, espárcela, imprégnala (en español) (Flash)
Reduce Runoff: Slow It Down, Spread It Out, Soak It In (Quicktime MP4) (26.4MB, About Quicktime) (To Download the Video, right click on the link and choose "Save Link As")
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Botanic Garden produced this 9-minute on-line video, "Reduce Runoff: Slow It Down, Spread It Out, Soak It In," that highlights green techniques such as rain gardens, green roofs and rain barrels to help manage stormwater runoff.
The film showcases green techniques that are being used in urban areas to reduce the effects of stormwater runoff on the quality of downstream receiving waters. The goal is to mimic the natural way water moves through an area before development by using design techniques that infiltrate, evaporate, and reuse runoff close to its source.
The techniques are innovative stormwater management practices that manage urban stormwater runoff at its source, and are very effective at reducing the volume of stormwater runoff and capturing harmful pollutants. Using vegetated areas that capture runoff also improves air quality, mitigates the effects of urban heat islands and reduces a community's overall carbon footprint.
The video highlights green techniques on display in 2008 at the U.S. Botanic Garden's "One Planet – Ours!" Exhibit" and at the U.S. EPA in Washington, D.C., including recently completed cisterns.
Factsheet about the video (PDF) (2pp, 294K, About PDF)

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1 comment:

  1. Este servidor recoge preciado liquido de lluvia en un balde de cincuenta i cinco galones. Puede durar de dos a tres dias dependiendo cuan seco este el ambiente.

    Por cierto en 2011 ha llovido a mi juicio al sumar el total por unos ocho meses. No recuerdo otro tan mojado.

    Es bueno por no tener que regar, pero ademas perfecto para hongos i otras enfermedaes, particularmente para jardines pendejos tipo ouglas
    Candelario/ Edwin
    Gonzalez Bauza, de
    Gramas Lindas.

    Respecto a medicamentos i comportamiento escolar, por ser irrespetuoso, hiperactivo, con algo de add, en el 1962, Miss Lameiro convencio a mi finada a llevarme a un siquiatra para un sicosometrico que pase con honores.

    El maestro mierda average incapaz del control de grupo, acusa aquellos con habitos/actitudes peculiares propias de la inteligencia o el mongolismo de estar locos o enfermos...

    Me cago en la madre que los pario.
    Este jumirde servior un genio ante sus propios ojos hubiese sido mas productivo aun con el respeto i la tolerancia que el ser superdotado merece..exige? fin
