Wednesday, March 28, 2012

[254] Twists and Turns in the Rebuild Series

Hoy es dia de indulgencias.  Resolviendo situaciones aqui y alla.  Estoy recordando temas hoy.  Ya conocen de mi obsesion por peliculas y series de ciencia ficcion.  Conocen de mi afinidad con las series de animacion relacionados a ciencia ficcion y con connotaciones apocalipticas.  Queria comenzar el articulo con un angulo curioso de la nueva cepa de peliculas de la serie de Evangelion.

Rebuild of Evangelion fue publicado como una serie que intentaria resumir y condensar la serie original de 26 episodios que definio los 90s, con las dos peliculas que sacaron despues y las diferentes versiones que han hecho revisando la serie.  Serian 4 peliculas con un nuevo final.  La primera pelicula fue bastante fiel al material original, con cambios aqui y alla.  La segunda ya la rese/ne aqui y tiene cambios significativos que tienen al publico curioso sobre que nuevo giros le daran a la historia.

Un paso mas alla.  Como esta serie es de las que conocemos como Mindfuck series adapta bien a estas lineas de giros en la historia que Hollywood nos ha estado forzando.  Ahora se rumora que como en la serie de The Matrix estamos viendo una iteracion.  Una iteracion o serie de eventos que siempre son iguales hasta que algo cambia.  La resolucion y la solucion del problema da un paso de progreso astronomico...

Bueno, los foros hablan de que esta serie hace que los eventos cambien sustancialmente.  Lograra finalmente la humanidad cesar el ciclo de creacion y destruccion de las versiones previas???  Estoy chueco explicando, mejor les incluyo links:
Quite simply, I’ll restate what I’ve been attempting to get across to many via the inevitable talks with fans & friends, Rebuild Of Evangelion is a sequel dressed up as a redux, and as such has some very interesting new wrinkles added to the already exhausting Evangelion mythos. This,or at the very least, lives up to information that was given to us within both the tv and film endings. Whether it was the phantom voice of Asuka inferring that this ending was merely one of many possibilities, or when upon Shinji’s rejection of Instrumentality, he is told by his mother Yui, that everyone would have a choice to come back should they have the wish to. The red sea is another large clue, pointing to this with a large set of flashing christmas lights atop the Empire State stating that what were are witnessing is another important hurdle for young Ikari to climb. And if this comes off as merely a crass excuse to print money by offering a half-hearted optimistic ending, I’d simply have to disagree.
There has been a lot of talk recently about the new Rebuild of Evangelion movies actually being a sequel to the original Eva series. Now I know most of you are probably shaking your heads right now or throwing your keyboard, but I think I should take a stab at this since I doubt the Mythbusters will ever tackle this issue. Can the Rebuild of Evangelion really be a remake? Short answer, yes.


How could Rebuild be a sequel if the story is similar to the original anime? Didn’t they originally say this was just going to be a remake of the first series? These are probably some of the questions that are floating through your head right now, let me try to answer them, but remember this is just a theory. The Rebuild of Evangelion is both a remake and a sequel at the same time. As we already know, the Remake and the original series are not exactly the same, in fact they are quickly diverging into their own stories.

At the end of the film, End of Evangelion, we are pretty much clueless on what exactly happened to our protagonists. The world appears completely destroyed, the oceans are made of blood, and Shinji is left alone with Asuka. However, what we do know is that Shinji stopped the Human Instrumentality Project from completing. What if all those people who turned into tang came back to life? What if what Shinji truly wanted was to restart the story from the beginning and try it all over again? Or what if the world of Eva runs in cycles, and will not be completed unless certain things happen, aka. Groundhog Day?

Why I’m asking these questions is because the world in the Rebuild films appears to be the same world at the End of Evangelion. For one a good portion of the oceans are made of blood, as we see in the End of Evangelion. The moon has a giant red stain across it, which is very similar to the ring of blood in the sky created by the giant Rei in the End of Evangelion. And other different things that make the world appear to have been used before.
Bueno...ciertamente hay mas de un punto de vista en todo esto.  Y ciertamente son similares pero no iguales.  Aunque, la version manga de la historia que han ido serializando por a/nos tiene desviaciones significativas de la serie original.  Como George Lucas, aparentara ser que se reescribe la historia mientras la cuentan.  Aqui el anuncio del ultimo libro de la serie que no ha salido aun:
Volume 13 is planned to be released in Japan this year. Discussion with MinnaNoEva Fan Blog revealed that because of the small number of pages in Stage 90, it’s possible (but still pending) if Volume 13 will be the conclusion of the manga.

Mientras tanto, los visuales de la tercera pelicula se ven espectaculares y siguen habiendo muchos cambios.  Incluyo clips aqui:

Iba a poner clips adicionales pero creo que la indulgencia se estiro demasiado...Anyway, esperare cuando salga la version y esperare que den por lo menos las peliculas en Plaza Guaynabo o Plaza Las Americas un siglo de estos...
Como hicieron con Arrietty...pero sin la mierda de voice over disneyzado.  La version con acento britanico suena mas fiel a la fuente, pero eso es otra historia:

Monday, March 26, 2012

[253] Monsanto, GMO and the War on Drugs - An Update

Una vez mas, un articulo inspirado en un comentario relacionado a las semillas de Monsanto y la guerra de las drogas, auspiciado por Monsanto.  Antigonum solo me menciono el Glyphosate y su rociado en Sur America.  Asi que decidi indagar en el tema, sobre todo cuando Monsanto y sus asesores buscan convencer a EPA y al congreso de relajar las restriccciones al uso del Glifosato (Round Up) en las leyes de pesticidas (FIFRA, para el que le interese). 

Hace bastante tiempo atrás habia hablado de este problema de escala mundial.  Pero desde el punto de vista de las semillas.  En este round (no pun intended) Monsanto tiene otro lio, relacionado al uso de su popular pesticida Round Up y Glyphosate, su ingrediente activo.  Mi articulo original aquí:

Antigonum, usted es la changa.  Hablando de lo de Monsanto se habla de reducir el riesgo de pesticida del Glyphosate (Roundup).  El instinto de sobrevivencia establece que siempre existe la posibilidad de haber una cepa resistente a cualquier cosa.  Pasa con las bacterias, pasa con los humanos y animales.  Era cuestión de tiempo y algo de justicia poética que Monsanto y su grupo de geniales científicos descubriesen que ya hay sobre 20 especies de yerbajos que tienen resistencia al Roundup.  Es la evolución.  La especie mas apta sobrevive, la cepa que no tiene capacidad desaparece.  Aquí les dejo esta información que viene de Maggie Koerth Baker, una de las consejeras científicas de Boing Boing.

Whatever its faults, the seed company Monsanto does employ some very smart people, who have a keen understanding of plant genetics. Given that, I've long wondered why the company has been so blindsided by the fairly basic idea that weeds evolve. Did anyone really expect that, when faced with a pressure that threatened their existence, the weeds wouldn't adapt and become resistant to Monsanto's Roundup herbicide?

Why didn't people there think resistance would happen? They all told a similar story.
First, the company had been selling Roundup for years without any problems. Second, and perhaps most important, the company's scientists had just spent more than a decade, and many millions of dollars, trying to create the Roundup-resistant plants that they desperately wanted — soybeans and cotton and corn. It had been incredibly difficult. When I interviewed former Monsanto scientists for my book on biotech crops, one of them called it the company's "Manhattan Project."
Considering how hard it had been to create those crops, "the thinking was, it would be really difficult for weeds to become tolerant" to Roundup, says Rick Cole, who is now responsible for Monsanto's efforts to deal with the problem of resistant weeds. Cole went to work at Monsanto in 1996, the same year that the first Roundup Ready crops went on the market.
So how did the company's experts react when weeds began to prove them wrong? "The reaction was, 'What is really going on here?' " says Cole. Monsanto began a "massive effort" to figure out how the weeds withstand glyphosate. Some weeds, Cole says, appear to keep glyphosate from entering the plant at all; others sequester the herbicide in a spot where it can't do much damage. Monsanto's genetically engineered crops use a different technique entirely.
Relacionados a articulos exponiendo toxicidad y especies resistentes al Glyphosate.

Interesante perspectiva.  Uso de Herbicidas para exterminar la coca hace que crezcan cepas resistentes al quimico.  La guerra de Monsanto viaja al sur…
Over the past three years, rumors of a new strain of coca have circulated in the Colombian military. The new plant, samples of which are spread out on this table, goes by different names: supercoca, la millonaria. Here in the southern region it's known as Boliviana negra. The most impressive characteristic is not that it produces more leaves - though it does - but that it is resistant to glyphosate. The herbicide, known by its brand name, Roundup, is the key ingredient in the US-financed, billion-dollar aerial coca fumigation campaign that is a cornerstone of America's war on drugs.
One possible explanation: The farmers of the region may have used selective breeding to develop a hardier strain of coca. If a plant happened to demonstrate herbicide resistance, it would be more widely cultivated, and clippings would be either sold or, in many cases, given away or even stolen by other farmers. Such a peer-to-peer network could, over time, result in a coca crop that can withstand large-scale aerial spraying campaigns.
But experts in herbicide resistance suspect that there is another, more intriguing possibility: The coca plant may have been genetically modified in a lab. The technology is fairly trivial. In 1996, Monsanto commercialized its patented Roundup Ready soybean - a genetically modified plant impervious to glyphosate. The innovation ushered in an era of hyperefficient soybean production: Farmers were able to spray entire fields, killing all the weeds and leaving behind a thriving soybean crop. The arrival of Roundup Ready coca would have a similar effect - except that in this case, it would be the US doing the weed killing for the drug lords.
Whether its resistance came from selective breeding or genetic modification, the new strain poses a significant foreign-policy challenge to the US. How Washington responds depends on how the plant became glyphosate resistant. That's why I'm here in the jungle - to test for the new coca. I've brought along a mobile kit used to detect the presence of the Roundup ready gene in soybean samples. If the tests are inconclusive, my backup plan is to smuggle the leaves to Colombia's capital, Bogotá, and have their DNA sequenced in a lab.
Mas detalles de la guerra de las drogas fallida de los US…
For a number of years the U.S. has sponsored herbicide spraying in Colombia, intending to curb illegal drugs at their source. Starting in January 2001 under U.S. oversight, the Colombian government will escalate its "crop eradication" activities, in which aircraft spray herbicides containing glyphosate to kill opium poppy and coca plants. Glyphosate is the active ingredient in the well-known herbicide called Roundup. Opium poppy and coca are the raw materials for making heroin and cocaine.
Representatives of Colombian indigenous communities recently traveled to Washington, D.C. to explain how they have been affected by spraying that has already occurred. Glyphosate, they said, kills more than drug crops -- it also kills food crops that many rural Colombians depend on for survival. In some places, the spraying has killed fish and livestock and has contaminated water supplies. One photograph from a sprayed area shows a group of banana trees killed by herbicides; nearby a plot of coca plants remains untouched.[3] Sometimes the spray also lands on schoolyards or people's homes. Many Colombians say they have become ill as a result.[4]
According to the NEW YORK TIMES, in one case several spray victims traveled 55 miles by bus to visit a hospital. The doctor who treated them said their symptoms included dizziness, nausea, muscle and joint pain, and skin rashes. "We do not have the scientific means here to prove they suffered pesticide poisoning, but the symptoms they displayed were certainly consistent with that condition," he said. A nurse's aide in the local clinic said she had been instructed "not to talk to anyone about what happened here."[4]
The U.S. State Department denies that there are human health effects from spraying glyphosate on the Colombian countryside. A U.S. embassy official in Colombia told the NEW YORK TIMES that glyphosate is "less toxic than table salt or aspirin" and said the spray victims' accounts of adverse effects were "scientifically impossible."[4] A question-and-answer fact sheet published by the State Department says that glyphosate does not "harm cattle, chickens, or other farm animals," is not "harmful to human beings," and will not contaminate water. The fact sheet asks the question, "If glyphosate is so benign, why are there complaints of damage from its use in Colombia?" and answers: "These reports have been largely based on unverified accounts provided by farmers whose illicit crops have been sprayed. Since their illegal livelihoods have been affected by the spraying, these persons do not offer objective information about the program.... "[5]

But the resulting article is perhaps most interesting for the taciturn response on all sides of the issue. Davis suggests that South American authorities don't want to talk about the situation because the revelation might cost countries that receive a large amount of U.S. aid to combat drug traffickers. The U.S. government doesn't want coca farmers who don't already know to find out about the new strain, because it can still eradicate old strains with glyphosate. And drug growers who do have the new strain certainly don't want the status quo to end, because currently the U.S. government is doing their weeding for free.

But on the larger cost-benefit analysis, the biggest winner is Monsanto. The more Roundup Ready crops there are out there, the more Roundup farmers need to get rid of the weeds, as is evidenced by the GRAIN research in Argentina. The real foe of Monsanto is not drug cartels or government entities. It's scientists.

When you put together the studies referenced above, which show that spraying glyphosate is harmful to humans and the environment and that it does not hamper the production of coca or weeds, the answer to almost everyone's problems is eliminating Monsanto.

So while there's no solid proof that the men threatening Andrés Carrasco belong to the same corporation that falsified lab results on the harm caused by glyphosate or the group that told lies about Roundup, there's no doubt in my mind that they belong in the same sick club.


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

[252] Vintage Comics - Son of God

Estoy emocionalmente drenado.  Tuve que ir a una reunion con la ex y no fue nada agradable.  Asi que decidi poner de mi lista de backlinks la siguiente historia.  El Comic Son O' God se publicaba en la revista National Lampoon alla para el 1974.  Es tan blasfemo que merece presentarse en su totalidad, links debajo...

En otros temas queria mencionar  este articulo que habia salido en wired.  Trataba de como Target usaba algoritmos y data minada de los recibos para poder predecir patrones de compra de sus clientes.  En este caso partiucular enviar promociones prenatales a mfuturas madres basadas en sus compras en meses previos.  Creepy en mi opinion, pero es el uso de la estadistica y conocer nuestros patrones de compras...

How Companies Learn Your Secrets

Andrew Pole had just started working as a statistician for Target in 2002, when two colleagues from the marketing department stopped by his desk to ask an odd question: “If we wanted to figure out if a customer is pregnant, even if she didn’t want us to know, can you do that? ”
Pole has a master’s degree in statistics and another in economics, and has been obsessed with the intersection of data and human behavior most of his life. His parents were teachers in North Dakota, and while other kids were going to 4-H, Pole was doing algebra and writing computer programs. “The stereotype of a math nerd is true,” he told me when I spoke with him last year. “I kind of like going out and evangelizing analytics.”
As the marketers explained to Pole – and as Pole later explained to me, back when we were still speaking and before Target told him to stop – new parents are a retailer’s holy grail. Most shoppers don’t buy everything they need at one store. Instead, they buy groceries at the grocery store and toys at the toy store, and they visit Target only when they need certain items they associate with Target – cleaning supplies, say, or new socks or a six-month supply of toilet paper. But Target sells everything from milk to stuffed animals to lawn furniture to electronics, so one of the company’s primary goals is convincing customers that the only store they need is Target. But it’s a tough message to get across, even with the most ingenious ad campaigns, because once consumers’ shopping habits are ingrained, it’s incredibly difficult to change them.
There are, however, some brief periods in a person’s life when old routines fall apart and buying habits are suddenly in flux. One of those moments – the moment, really – is right around the birth of a child, when parents are exhausted and overwhelmed and their shopping patterns and brand loyalties are up for grabs. But as Target’s marketers explained to Pole, timing is everything. Because birth records are usually public, the moment a couple have a new baby, they are almost instantaneously barraged with offers and incentives and advertisements from all sorts of companies. Which means that the key is to reach them earlier, before any other retailers know a baby is on the way. Specifically, the marketers said they wanted to send specially designed ads to women in their second trimester, which is when most expectant mothers begin buying all sorts of new things, like prenatal vitamins and maternity clothing. “Can you give us a list?” the marketers asked.

Estamos llegando a los dias de They Live, donde los extraterrestres nos controlan con mensajes submiminales???

Sunday, March 18, 2012

[251] An Illustrated Rant with Primaries as Background

Hoy es dia de primarias.  Mi interes es completamente nulo.  Fui a las del PNP y las republicanas tras estudiar las papeletas de los dos partidos y ver que sinceramente no estaba eligiendo nada.  Opte por escoger dos candidatos de las listas que no son del paquete como protesta, no los 6 que pedian en cada caso.  La papeleta republicana la deposite en blanco.  Se vera esto como un acto de protesta?  Lo dudo.  Sin embargo, la otra opcion: no votar, hubiese tenido el mismo acto hueco de protesta.
Se deberia formalizar una manera de contabilizar estos fiascos.  Como hacerles entender que me importa un bledo los cambios hasta que vea los cambios que quiero ver.  No quiero promesas, no quiero que resuelvan el pais.  Simplemente quiero: una absoluta reforma legislativa.  Cero asesores, cero politicos a tiempo completo, una sola camara.  Asi, solo asi.  No ifs, ands or buts to dilute things down.  A medias no sirve, es un cancer metastizado que hay que estirpar de raiz.

Sin derecho a dietas, sin derecho a  bonificaciones.  Si no llegan a un acuerdo quiero ver quien es el primero que va a donar dichas dietas y beneficios a instituciones sin fines de lucro.  Que usen su vehiculo personal, que renuncien a escoltas.

Eso no lo veremos.  Es una maquinaria grande de la que unos pocos se benefician.  Cuando comience a ver el cambio, quizas ganen de nuevo mi confianza.

Bueno, tambien tengo una tensa situacion con la escuela de el nene.   Tuve una de esas reuniones donde tenia que oir la Fulana justificar lo injustificable.  No quiero dar detalles de la situacion.  Solo queria presentarles este sketch que hice mientras esperaba el turno para la reunion donde nos citaron.  Obviamente solo hice el boligrafo mientras esperaba, las acuarelas con colores se las di por la noche en casa.

El sketch es el de la oficina de la directora de la Academia...Es mejor que un palo 2x4 o conversar agresivamente con la Fulana, que llego tarde y con el nene desali/nado y sin correa.

El acabose esta semana fue  una discusion sobre la responsabilidad de un proyecto del nene.  Si, el nene fallo en no tener el proyecto a tiempo.  Pero es responsabilidad de la madre (o tutor) asegurarse en ver el progreso del reporte.  Tuve una disertacion con la Fulana sobre la responsabilidad y deber.  Que no es hacer el trabajo sino supervisar que se va a entregar a tiempo.  Quizas la nota de Barrio Mulas pudo haber caido aqui:

Pero de nuevo...como discutir con una tapia.

En otros temas mi vecinita me pidio ayuda para hacer un poster de las semanas de la matematicas de la escuela y le hice este con Mickey Mouse.  Mickey aqui parece ser agrimensor, dada la triginometria y el cartabon.

Yo he estado haciendo tareas aqui y alla, pero no son dias faciles.  No hay grandes proyectos con grandes presupuestos.  Son proyectos peque/nos con muchas trabas.  Estamos royendo huesos hace un buen tiempo.

Ocasionalmente le estimulo a mi hijo, los sobrinos y a todo el que me encuentro a que creen sensitividad artistica en sea lo que sea lo que hagan.  Mientras escribo estas lineas oigo como mi hijo y la vecina debaten como recoger unas hojas en el patio.  Despues escriben sobre las cosas que hacen.

Por ejemplo, le tome prestado el journal de mi hijo la semana pasada y le hice este sketch mientras dormia, contando de como paso una tarde en casa de sus tios la semana pasada.  Les explico que no busco exactitud cuando hice la caricatura sino que da la idea del ambiente de la casa.  En el dibujo debajo los nenes juegan Just Dance en el Kinetic mientras mi sobrina mira.

Para cerrar, he estado viendo capitulos de MTV Downtown, una vieja serie de MTV que esta de lo mas entretenida.  En un futuro discutire del tema, por ahora les dejo algo de animaciones de los 1994.  Como llego MTV a la basura de realities como Jersey Shore que es ahora?

[249] Curso Corto de Pensamiento Critico

Esta dirigido a un publico de 8vo a 10mo grado pero creo que todos deberian familiarizarse con estos conceptos.  A ver si Primera Hora o ENDI eventualmente lo detectan en sus radares...
cowrote produced, animated and directed a series of six critical thinking animations for TechNyou, an emerging technologies public information resource funded by the Australian Government Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education (DIISRTE).
It forms part of an education resource which covers basic logic, faulty arguments and the developing critical thinking skills. It’s designed for year 8-10 (but is just as appropriate for a general adult audience) and focuses on science issues. The accompanying education resource is found here:


[248] Beautiful Day Without You

I really had no idea on where to direct this article.  I have 20+ pages of backlinks waiting to be included in many subjects.  But they are just that...raw backlinks.  Worthless without an analysis.  So instead of dumping links on you I will build up on the previous article, where I basically indicate that I used to live in a sick system that I could not break out of...all in the name of love.

And then switch it to the death of Moebius, a sad news I received Saturday morning on my Android...
Moebius has died

Won't add much with the exception that he is my idol and mentor, as is the case of most science fiction artists and conceptual developers.  May he lie in Heaven with other greats such as Frank Franzetta or Jack Kirby...Let others give him reverence:

In case I had not post it before, a tumblr with some of his artwork:
He was in charge of some of the visual effects on the original Tron.  This includes the stunning Solar Glider, one of the best scenes of the original movie.
his webpage:

I'm just imagining how greath would that Dune production had been if the combined work of Moebius, Jodorowsky and HR Giger would have reached the theaters:

or if that Willow production had gotten his way...

Then, wishing they actually made that TV series based upon his work on L'Incal:

Pascal Blais- THE INCAL from Pascal Blais Animation Studio on Vimeo.

Previous references to Moebius:
The title references this video by Royksopp:

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

[247] Disertación Sobre el Desorden

Escribo estas líneas tras varios días de discusiones pasivas agresivas de la ex.  Se canta sin dinero pero publica foto cada vez que se mete al Viejo San Juan o al Jardín Botánico de Caguas.   Dice que la espío.  Importa poco,

Entre los temas que están calientes son su desorganización y acumulación de chatarra.  Todo lo guardaba, no creo que llegase al nivel de Hoarders, pero la competencia estaba dura.  Todavía a esta etapa no conceptualizo como había tanta cosa guardada.  Menos como podía vivir así.  Todavía a esta etapa saco poco a poco cosas de la casa.

Hacía un tiempo atrás había visto esta exhibición de Barbie y tenía que mencionarlo aquí.  Me sentí en casa…

Hoarder Instincts and the Clean Up

Den una vuelta por el slide show.  Es realmente impresionante el nivel de detalle de las miniaturas.

Previo en la alcantarilla:

By the way…  Estos regueros tienen un serio riesgo de incendios.  El problema ha ido en aumento a través de los a/nos.  Aquí les dejo este artículo de la NFPA.
Quien es responsable de esto?  A quien se le pasa la factura por un incendio de tal magnitud.  Definitivamente es un problema de seguridad publica.  Coo esto es la alcantarilla tenía estos otros links relacionados pero que no habia tenido oportunidad de incluir…
By the time it was over, more than 300 firefighters had been on the scene. As Stewart would later write in a Canadian firefighting journal, "I had never witnessed an apartment fire that required firefighting operations over [such] a prolonged period."
Three firefighters and 14 residents, three of whom had serious injuries, were treated at local hospitals. The occupant of unit 2424, a man in his late 50s, was not among them; he was not at home at the time of the fire. Due to structural concerns, residents were ordered to vacate the building, leaving them temporarily homeless. The cost of the damage, which included structural damage to the unit and balcony, ran into the hundreds of thousands of dollars, according to the Toronto Fire Department.
Another shock awaited Stewart. After the fire had been extinguished, firefighters went door to door throughout the building in a secondary sweep to ensure all occupants were safely evacuated. Stewart said they found another 14 units packed with possessions — not to the extent of unit 2424, but, as Stewart said, "it was the same problem."
The problem was a severe version of what is known as compulsive hoarding, a psychological condition in which people accumulate or are unable to discard possessions. [See "What is compulsive hoarding?" on this page.] In an extreme case like the
Wellesley Street
fire, the sheer volume of chaotically arrayed material was sufficient to create a serious threat of blocked occupant egress, difficult access for first responders, easier ignition or a greater chance of rapid or severe fire growth, and even structural collapse. Stewart, like many firefighters, had fought fires in hoarding households before, but he’d never seen a situation like the one he witnessed on September 24.

classification and clutter
Gracious insufficiency: The household lacks certain inexpensive items that are in heavy daily use (glasses, spoons and forks, dishtowels, bath towels) but spends freely on entertainment. There are several reasons:
·                       Poverty spending: When you live on a severely constrained budget, the occasional blowout makes you feel less poor. Buying towels isn't fun, so towels come out of the house budget, not the blowout budget, and there's never enough money for them there.
·                       Entropy: Live without enough of something for a while, and “without” becomes normal. People who are caught in entropy may resist fixing the problem even if they buy new items—the new items go in a pile and they keep using the old.
·                       No cleaning: If you don't do the laundry often, buying more dishtowels can seem pointless. There'll always be a dirty dishtowel, so what does it matter that it's always the same dirty dishtowel?
·                       Group housing: Buying utensils and dishes for a household of several roommates can be thankless. If the household as a whole is going to own the dishes, no one wants to throw money down the hole; if one person owns the dishes, they don't want to put them out to be broken and dirtied by the rest of the household. It's easier to use the dwindling stock of chipped and filthy house dishes and save a mug in your room so you have something to drink from.
Me gusto el approach de este tío para resolver su limpieza…Debí documentar mejor la chatarra que he ido sacando pero eso ya no hace sentido…
Finalmente para cerrar, otro viejo tema, que aparenta resucitar ahora, con las inutiles discusiones por estupideces.  Lo habia posteado antes pero sinceramente no recuerdo donde:
So you want to keep your lover or your employee close. Bound to you, even. You have a few options. You could be the best lover they've ever had, kind, charming, thoughtful, competent, witty, and a tiger in bed. You could be the best workplace they've ever had, with challenging work, rewards for talent, initiative, and professional development, an excellent work/life balance, and good pay. But both of those options demand a lot from you. Besides, your lover (or employee) will stay only as long as she wants to under those systems, and you want to keep her even when she doesn't want to stay. How do you pin her to your side, irrevocably, permanently, and perfectly legally?

You create a sick system.

A sick system has four basic rules:

Rule 1: Keep them too busy to think.

Rule 2: Keep them tired.

Rule 3: Keep them emotionally involved.

Rule 4: Reward intermittently.
How do you do all this? It's incredibly easy:

Keep the crises rolling.

Things will be better when... I get a new job. I'm mean to you now because I'm so stressed, but I'm sure that will go away when I'm not working at this awful place.

The production schedule is crazy because the client is nuts. We just need to get through this cycle, then we'll have a new client, and they'll be much better.

She has a bad temper because she just started with a new therapist. She'll be better when she settles in.

Now, the first person isn't actually looking for a job. (They're too stressed to fill out applications.) The second industry always has another crazy client, because all the clients are crazy. (Or better yet, because the company is set up to destroy the workflow and make the client look crazy.) The third person has been with her “new” therapist for a year. (But not for three years! Or five!) But the explanation sounds plausible, and every now and then the person has a good day or a production cycle goes smoothly. Intermittent reinforcement + hope = “Someday it will always be like this.” Perpetual crises mean the person is too tired to notice that it has never been like this for long.

Keep real rewards distant.
Establish one small semi-occasional success.
Chop up their time.
Enmesh your success with theirs
Keep everything on the edge.
Cierro con esto…