Tuesday, March 6, 2012

[247] Disertación Sobre el Desorden

Escribo estas líneas tras varios días de discusiones pasivas agresivas de la ex.  Se canta sin dinero pero publica foto cada vez que se mete al Viejo San Juan o al Jardín Botánico de Caguas.   Dice que la espío.  Importa poco,

Entre los temas que están calientes son su desorganización y acumulación de chatarra.  Todo lo guardaba, no creo que llegase al nivel de Hoarders, pero la competencia estaba dura.  Todavía a esta etapa no conceptualizo como había tanta cosa guardada.  Menos como podía vivir así.  Todavía a esta etapa saco poco a poco cosas de la casa.

Hacía un tiempo atrás había visto esta exhibición de Barbie y tenía que mencionarlo aquí.  Me sentí en casa…

Hoarder Instincts and the Clean Up

Den una vuelta por el slide show.  Es realmente impresionante el nivel de detalle de las miniaturas.

Previo en la alcantarilla:

By the way…  Estos regueros tienen un serio riesgo de incendios.  El problema ha ido en aumento a través de los a/nos.  Aquí les dejo este artículo de la NFPA.
Quien es responsable de esto?  A quien se le pasa la factura por un incendio de tal magnitud.  Definitivamente es un problema de seguridad publica.  Coo esto es la alcantarilla tenía estos otros links relacionados pero que no habia tenido oportunidad de incluir…
By the time it was over, more than 300 firefighters had been on the scene. As Stewart would later write in a Canadian firefighting journal, "I had never witnessed an apartment fire that required firefighting operations over [such] a prolonged period."
Three firefighters and 14 residents, three of whom had serious injuries, were treated at local hospitals. The occupant of unit 2424, a man in his late 50s, was not among them; he was not at home at the time of the fire. Due to structural concerns, residents were ordered to vacate the building, leaving them temporarily homeless. The cost of the damage, which included structural damage to the unit and balcony, ran into the hundreds of thousands of dollars, according to the Toronto Fire Department.
Another shock awaited Stewart. After the fire had been extinguished, firefighters went door to door throughout the building in a secondary sweep to ensure all occupants were safely evacuated. Stewart said they found another 14 units packed with possessions — not to the extent of unit 2424, but, as Stewart said, "it was the same problem."
The problem was a severe version of what is known as compulsive hoarding, a psychological condition in which people accumulate or are unable to discard possessions. [See "What is compulsive hoarding?" on this page.] In an extreme case like the
Wellesley Street
fire, the sheer volume of chaotically arrayed material was sufficient to create a serious threat of blocked occupant egress, difficult access for first responders, easier ignition or a greater chance of rapid or severe fire growth, and even structural collapse. Stewart, like many firefighters, had fought fires in hoarding households before, but he’d never seen a situation like the one he witnessed on September 24.

classification and clutter
Gracious insufficiency: The household lacks certain inexpensive items that are in heavy daily use (glasses, spoons and forks, dishtowels, bath towels) but spends freely on entertainment. There are several reasons:
·                       Poverty spending: When you live on a severely constrained budget, the occasional blowout makes you feel less poor. Buying towels isn't fun, so towels come out of the house budget, not the blowout budget, and there's never enough money for them there.
·                       Entropy: Live without enough of something for a while, and “without” becomes normal. People who are caught in entropy may resist fixing the problem even if they buy new items—the new items go in a pile and they keep using the old.
·                       No cleaning: If you don't do the laundry often, buying more dishtowels can seem pointless. There'll always be a dirty dishtowel, so what does it matter that it's always the same dirty dishtowel?
·                       Group housing: Buying utensils and dishes for a household of several roommates can be thankless. If the household as a whole is going to own the dishes, no one wants to throw money down the hole; if one person owns the dishes, they don't want to put them out to be broken and dirtied by the rest of the household. It's easier to use the dwindling stock of chipped and filthy house dishes and save a mug in your room so you have something to drink from.
Me gusto el approach de este tío para resolver su limpieza…Debí documentar mejor la chatarra que he ido sacando pero eso ya no hace sentido…
Finalmente para cerrar, otro viejo tema, que aparenta resucitar ahora, con las inutiles discusiones por estupideces.  Lo habia posteado antes pero sinceramente no recuerdo donde:
So you want to keep your lover or your employee close. Bound to you, even. You have a few options. You could be the best lover they've ever had, kind, charming, thoughtful, competent, witty, and a tiger in bed. You could be the best workplace they've ever had, with challenging work, rewards for talent, initiative, and professional development, an excellent work/life balance, and good pay. But both of those options demand a lot from you. Besides, your lover (or employee) will stay only as long as she wants to under those systems, and you want to keep her even when she doesn't want to stay. How do you pin her to your side, irrevocably, permanently, and perfectly legally?

You create a sick system.

A sick system has four basic rules:

Rule 1: Keep them too busy to think.

Rule 2: Keep them tired.

Rule 3: Keep them emotionally involved.

Rule 4: Reward intermittently.
How do you do all this? It's incredibly easy:

Keep the crises rolling.

Things will be better when... I get a new job. I'm mean to you now because I'm so stressed, but I'm sure that will go away when I'm not working at this awful place.

The production schedule is crazy because the client is nuts. We just need to get through this cycle, then we'll have a new client, and they'll be much better.

She has a bad temper because she just started with a new therapist. She'll be better when she settles in.

Now, the first person isn't actually looking for a job. (They're too stressed to fill out applications.) The second industry always has another crazy client, because all the clients are crazy. (Or better yet, because the company is set up to destroy the workflow and make the client look crazy.) The third person has been with her “new” therapist for a year. (But not for three years! Or five!) But the explanation sounds plausible, and every now and then the person has a good day or a production cycle goes smoothly. Intermittent reinforcement + hope = “Someday it will always be like this.” Perpetual crises mean the person is too tired to notice that it has never been like this for long.

Keep real rewards distant.
Establish one small semi-occasional success.
Chop up their time.
Enmesh your success with theirs
Keep everything on the edge.
Cierro con esto…

1 comment:

antigonum cajan said...

Habria que darle premio, pergamino i medalla por haber tolerado a la ex por tanto tiempo. Lo trihte eh que tendra que seguir en contacto, hahta que el heredero alcance la mayoria de edad...i kien sabe si hahta mucho dehpueh que financieramente haga falta pasarle a uhted la factura.

Suerte i exito. Buen post!

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