Rebuild of Evangelion fue publicado como una serie que intentaria resumir y condensar la serie original de 26 episodios que definio los 90s, con las dos peliculas que sacaron despues y las diferentes versiones que han hecho revisando la serie. Serian 4 peliculas con un nuevo final. La primera pelicula fue bastante fiel al material original, con cambios aqui y alla. La segunda ya la rese/ne aqui y tiene cambios significativos que tienen al publico curioso sobre que nuevo giros le daran a la historia.
Un paso mas alla. Como esta serie es de las que conocemos como Mindfuck series adapta bien a estas lineas de giros en la historia que Hollywood nos ha estado forzando. Ahora se rumora que como en la serie de The Matrix estamos viendo una iteracion. Una iteracion o serie de eventos que siempre son iguales hasta que algo cambia. La resolucion y la solucion del problema da un paso de progreso astronomico...
Bueno, los foros hablan de que esta serie hace que los eventos cambien sustancialmente. Lograra finalmente la humanidad cesar el ciclo de creacion y destruccion de las versiones previas??? Estoy chueco explicando, mejor les incluyo links:
Quite simply, I’ll restate what I’ve been attempting to get across to many via the inevitable talks with fans & friends, Rebuild Of Evangelion is a sequel dressed up as a redux, and as such has some very interesting new wrinkles added to the already exhausting Evangelion mythos. This,or at the very least, lives up to information that was given to us within both the tv and film endings. Whether it was the phantom voice of Asuka inferring that this ending was merely one of many possibilities, or when upon Shinji’s rejection of Instrumentality, he is told by his mother Yui, that everyone would have a choice to come back should they have the wish to. The red sea is another large clue, pointing to this with a large set of flashing christmas lights atop the Empire State stating that what were are witnessing is another important hurdle for young Ikari to climb. And if this comes off as merely a crass excuse to print money by offering a half-hearted optimistic ending, I’d simply have to disagree.
There has been a lot of talk recently about the new Rebuild of Evangelion movies actually being a sequel to the original Eva series. Now I know most of you are probably shaking your heads right now or throwing your keyboard, but I think I should take a stab at this since I doubt the Mythbusters will ever tackle this issue. Can the Rebuild of Evangelion really be a remake? Short answer, yes.

How could Rebuild be a sequel if the story is similar to the original anime? Didn’t they originally say this was just going to be a remake of the first series? These are probably some of the questions that are floating through your head right now, let me try to answer them, but remember this is just a theory. The Rebuild of Evangelion is both a remake and a sequel at the same time. As we already know, the Remake and the original series are not exactly the same, in fact they are quickly diverging into their own stories.
At the end of the film, End of Evangelion, we are pretty much clueless on what exactly happened to our protagonists. The world appears completely destroyed, the oceans are made of blood, and Shinji is left alone with Asuka. However, what we do know is that Shinji stopped the Human Instrumentality Project from completing. What if all those people who turned into tang came back to life? What if what Shinji truly wanted was to restart the story from the beginning and try it all over again? Or what if the world of Eva runs in cycles, and will not be completed unless certain things happen, aka. Groundhog Day?
Why I’m asking these questions is because the world in the Rebuild films appears to be the same world at the End of Evangelion. For one a good portion of the oceans are made of blood, as we see in the End of Evangelion. The moon has a giant red stain across it, which is very similar to the ring of blood in the sky created by the giant Rei in the End of Evangelion. And other different things that make the world appear to have been used before.
Bueno...ciertamente hay mas de un punto de vista en todo esto. Y ciertamente son similares pero no iguales. Aunque, la version manga de la historia que han ido serializando por a/nos tiene desviaciones significativas de la serie original. Como George Lucas, aparentara ser que se reescribe la historia mientras la cuentan. Aqui el anuncio del ultimo libro de la serie que no ha salido aun:
Volume 13 is planned to be released in Japan this year. Discussion with MinnaNoEva Fan Blog revealed that because of the small number of pages in Stage 90, it’s possible (but still pending) if Volume 13 will be the conclusion of the manga.
Mientras tanto, los visuales de la tercera pelicula se ven espectaculares y siguen habiendo muchos cambios. Incluyo clips aqui:
Iba a poner clips adicionales pero creo que la indulgencia se estiro demasiado...Anyway, esperare cuando salga la version y esperare que den por lo menos las peliculas en Plaza Guaynabo o Plaza Las Americas un siglo de estos...
Como hicieron con Arrietty...pero sin la mierda de voice over disneyzado. La version con acento britanico suena mas fiel a la fuente, pero eso es otra historia:
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