El Código fue aprobado en el Senado durante la sesión extraordinaria de diciembre. Desde entonces, la Cámara realizó vistas públicas adicionales y presentó tres informes. El proyecto fue retirado del calendario varias veces porque los representantes de mayoría querían hacer enmiendas.
Entre los cambios más polémicos que realizó el Senado está la eliminación de los agravantes en delitos cometidos por razones como la religión y orientación sexual de la víctima. Estos agravantes fueron reinstalados en la versión aprobada por la Cámara. La Cámara dejó el aborto como delito y aumentó la pena de dos a tres años para los que practiquen el aborto, protegido por un caso de la Corte Suprema de Estados Unidos.
Prometeo, paladin del aspecto religioso, discutia recientemente en su blog la movida politica del PNP. Esa hipocresia cosechadora de votos de ser conservador, mas alla de la ley, tipificando como delito el aborto a la vez que le rie las gracias a los homosexuales.
Entonces, hemos estado debatiendo la moral de exhibir los pechos como protesta. Tuttilimundi comenta, pero no voy a traer ese debate aqui puesto que entiendo que es faranduleo. No me interesa comentar titulares de periodicos. Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. Y la controversia crea visitas.
[Nota al Calce: Antigonum por eso es que sites como los de Manolo y los de Vlade se brotan en visitas mientras que los nuestros pasan desapercibidos por los RSS Feeders de nuestros visitantes]
Bueno, me desvie del tema. A lo que iba. El relativismo moral religioso existe, y las opiniones que los fundamentalistas del Bible Belt toman hoy como verdades absolutas son en realidad reinterpretaciones recientes. Tomemos por ejemplo el faranduleo con el que querian enmendar la constitucion para definir el 'personhood'de alguien, una controversial medida del estado de Mississippi...
JACKSON, Miss. — Mississippi voters Tuesday defeated a ballot initiative that would've declared life begins at fertilization, a proposal that supporters sought in the Bible Belt state as a way to prompt a legal challenge to abortion rights nationwide.
The so-called "personhood" initiative was rejected by more than 55 percent of voters, falling far short of the threshold needed for it to be enacted. If it had passed, it was virtually assured of drawing legal challenges because it conflicts with the Supreme Court's 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that established a legal right to abortion. Supporters of the initiative wanted to provoke a lawsuit to challenge the landmark ruling.
The measure divided the medical and religious communities and caused some of the most ardent abortion opponents, including Republican Gov. Haley Barbour, to waver with their support.
Opponents said the measure would have made birth control, such as the morning-after pill or the intrauterine device, illegal. More specifically, the ballot measure called for abortion to be prohibited "from the moment of fertilization" – wording that opponents suggested would have deterred physicians from performing in vitro fertilization because they would fear criminal charges if an embryo doesn't survive.
Bueno, el punto es ue la postura de los evangelicos en Estados Unidos ha sido fluctuante y la postura anti abortista absoluta es un invento de los ultimos a/nos. Les dejo este articulo:
In 1979, McDonald’s introduced the Happy Meal.
Sometime after that, it was decided that the Bible teaches that human life begins at conception.
Ask any American evangelical, today, what the Bible says about abortion and they will insist that this is what it says. (Many don’t actually believe this, but they know it is the only answer that won’t get them in trouble.) They’ll be a little fuzzy on where, exactly, the Bible says this, but they’ll insist that it does.
That’s new. If you had asked American evangelicals that same question the year I was born you would not have gotten the same answer.
That year, Christianity Today — edited by Harold Lindsell, champion of “inerrancy” and author of The Battle for the Bible — published a special issue devoted to the topics of contraception and abortion. That issue included many articles that today would get their authors, editors — probably even their readers — fired from almost any evangelical institution. For example, one article by a professor from Dallas Theological Seminary criticized the Roman Catholic position on abortion as unbiblical. Jonathan Dudley quotes from the article in his book Broken Words: The Abuse of Science and Faith in American Politics. Keep in mind that this is from a conservative evangelical seminary professor, writing in Billy Graham’s magazine for editor Harold Lindsell:
God does not regard the fetus as a soul, no matter how far gestation has progressed. The Law plainly exacts: “If a man kills any human life he will be put to death” (Lev. 24:17). But according to Exodus 21:22-24, the destruction of the fetus is not a capital offense. … Clearly, then, in contrast to the mother, the fetus is not reckoned as a soul.Christianity Today would not publish that article in 2012. They might not even let you write that in comments on their website. If you applied for a job in 2012 with Christianity Today or Dallas Theological Seminary and they found out that you had written something like that, ever, you would not be hired.
Por lo menos los catolicos seran retrogradas, pero somos retrogradas consistentes, independientes de modas y modernismos. Hay un fundamento moral para la oposicion al aborto. Pero de nuevo, anticipando los comentarios, sabemos que hay una crisis poblacional que si no se resuelve seguira trayendo problemas. Ese tema es otra historia.
Un poco de discusiones hechas en el resuelve del web, wilipedia:
Catholic anti-abortion views, after all, are undergirded by a long series of increasingly emphatic papal encyclicals; a natural law and bioethics tradition stretching back all the way to Aristotle; an overall theological position making church teachings on matters of faith and morals binding on believers; a relatively low level of tolerance for individual dissent; and a teaching and disciplinary system that can be (and in some parts of the country, is being) deployed to influence the views and behavior–personal and political–of the laity.
Not one of these is a significant factor for Sola Scriptura Protestants. And unlike other moral issues ranging from gay and lesbian rights to divorce to adultery, the belief in scriptural inerrancy common among evangelicals doesn’t really explain the vast gap between evangelicals and their mainline brethren on abortion. I’ve yet to read or hear a purely scriptural justification for banning abortions that doesn’t ultimately come down to circular reasoning based on the condemnations of homicide from the Decalogue onward.
Read more:
Independiente de la opinion del aborto, enfocaba este articulo a la concepcion o al momento en que un alma ocupa un cuerpo y deja de ser un cuerpo extra/no o un tumor en la madre. Dos puntos aqui, un interesante White Paper del 2008, me imagino que parte del material de debate de esa campa/na del MS:
Pero de nuevo...el punto no es cuando se concibe o deja de concebir. Llegara el punto donde el sistema, como un macro, hace el control. Factores externos como guerras, enfermedad o defectos congenitos causaran una merma en la poblacion.
Cosas como alterar el sexo del ni/no o su informacion genetica parecera algo como una moda, pero si todas las piezas son iguales, entonces la diversidad, nuestra arma mas poderosa, se desaparece. Ese tema es sumamente interesante. Introduccion aqui:
Algo de bacterias y similitudes a las redes sociales:
Google Tech Talk (more info below)
September 30, 2011
Presented by Eshel Ben-Jacob.
Scientific American placed Professor Eshel Ben-Jacob and Dr. Itay Baruchi's creation of a type of organic memory chip on its list of the year's 50 most significant scientific discoveries in 2007. For the last decade, he has pioneered the field of Systems Neuroscience, focusing first on investigations of living neural networks outside the brain.
Learning from Bacteria about Information Processing
Bacteria, the first and most fundamental of all organisms, lead rich social life in complex hierarchical communities. Collectively, they gather information from the environment, learn from past experience, and make decisions. Bacteria do not store genetically all the information required to respond efficiently to all possible environmental conditions. Instead, to solve new encountered problems (challenges) posed by the environment, they first assess the problem via collective sensing, then recall stored information of past experience and finally execute distributed information processing of the 109-12 bacteria in the colony, thus turning the colony into super-brain. Super-brain, because the billions of bacteria in the colony use sophisticated communication strategies to link the intracellular computation networks of each bacterium (including signaling path ways of billions of molecules) into a network of networks. I will show illuminating movies of swarming intelligence of live bacteria in which they solve optimization problems for collective decision making that are beyond what we, human beings, can solve with our most powerful computers. I will discuss the special nature of bacteria computational principles in comparison to our Turing Algorithm computational principles, showing that we can learn from the bacteria about our brain, in particular about the crucial role of the neglected other side of the brain, distributed information processing of the astrocytes.
Eshel Ben-Jacob is Professor of Physics of Complex Systems and holds the Maguy-Glass Chair in Physics at Tel Aviv University. He was an early leader in the study of bacterial colonies as the key to understanding larger biological systems. He maintains that the essence of cognition is rooted in the ability of bacteria to gather, measure, and process information, and to adapt in response. For the last decade, he has pioneered the field of Systems Neuroscience, focusing first on investigations of living neural networks outside the brain and later on analysis of actual brain activity. In 2007, Scientific American selected Ben-Jacob's invention, the first hybrid NeuroMemory Chip, as one of the 50 most important achievements in all fields of science and technology for that year. The NeuroMemory Chip entails imprinting multiple memories, based upon development of a novel, system-level analysis of neural network activity (inspired by concepts from statistical physics and quantum mechanics), ideas about distributed information processing (inspired by his research on collective behaviors of bacteria) and new experimental methods based on nanotechnology (carbon nanotubes). Prof. Ben-Jacob received his PhD in physics (1982) at Tel Aviv University, Israel. He served as Vice President of the Israel Physical Society (1999-2002), then as President of the Israel Physical Society (2002-2005), initiating the online magazine PhysicaPlus, the only Hebrew-English bilingual science magazine. The general principles he has uncovered have been examined in a wide range of disciplines, including their application to amoeboid navigation, bacterial colony competition, cell motility, epilepsy, gene networks, genome sequence of pattern-forming bacteria, network theory analysis of the immune system, neural networks, search, and stock market volatility and collapse. He has examined implications of bacterial collective intelligence for neurocomputing. His scientific findings have prompted studies of their implications for computing: using chemical "tweets" to communicate, millions of bacteria self-organize to form colonies that collaborate to feed and defend themselves, as in a sophisticated social network.
Desvie del tema de nuevo, pero solo queria exponer que hay un orden en el caos. El sistema es fascinante ya que se ven operaciones sumamente complejas basadas solo en pequenos movimientos al azar. Un estimulo crea una respuesta.
Otro ejemplo. Cuando guias un vehiculo, y esta oscureciendo, cuando enciendes los focos? La oscuridad, un factor externo ayuda, pero tambien influye el numero de carros con las luces encendidas que ves...Un azar estructurado.
Relacionado: Porque las lamparas HID (que detesto) son mucho mejores que las regulares (
Antes de morir debatiendo hasta la muerte cuando comienza la vida recordemos que en la antiguedad se controlaba la natalidad matando al bebe con defectos o si se era varon o mujer. No era crueldad, era simplemente crear una expectativa de vida a los que tenian la mejor oportunidad de sobrevivir. Cae tambien con lo de tener la mayor prole posible era vital en una finca, no como esta vida urbana donde un hijo adicional es mucho mas costos porque no se permite o se ve con malos ojos que un hijo coopere trabajando con sus padres en las ciudades. Por ende reparten ritalin como dulces, pero eso es otra historia.
Cerrando debo disculpar la no publicacion de articulos recientemente. He estado adaptando a un cambio en el sistema operativo de mi oficina, desarrollando varios documentos de suma importancia profesional, negociando con firmas electronicas y burocracias interagenciales y finalmente me cambiaron la interfase del blogger.
Gracias por el shout out. Que lástima que me pusiste al lado del retardado funcional del Vlade. De todos modos ya nadie visita mi blog porque no posteo. ¡Saludos!
ReplyDeleteDe acuerdo en esencia con varios argumentos presentes. No creo que la iglesia/estado puedan/deban imponerle al ciudadano/campesino normas de conducta, excepto en las que yo creo:
ReplyDeleteaborto, control de natalidad.
Creo conocer lo que indica en cuanto a 'reirle las gracias a los homosexuales'.
Detesto las lesbianas hostiles i los gay superpartidos. La discrecion es/debe ser mandatoria.
En cuanto a su derecho a ser ellos/as mismos sin persecucion, granted. Pero la mariconeria esa de casarse, tener hijos, una cabronada imperdonable.
Por eso les admiraba, por no ser vulgares heterosexuales con hipotecas, llevando nenes a jugar futbol, i toda la parafernalia qie el estado/iglesia le ha impuesto al MATRIMONIO. fin.
Magnifico post! Despues de todo, aqui lo que importa es tener criterios. Que estemos de acuerdo o no irrelevante. Suerte i exito.
Lo de reir las gracias a los homos me referia en particular a la causal de odio. Maltratan un animal, hay un tiroteo entre tecatos, es silencio. Matan o tan siquiera le parten una u/na a un homo y todos quieren que se trate como un crimen de odio. Recordaba la parejita de la escuela de Patillas que esencialmente queria el mismo derecho de grajearse en publico que una pareja hetero. Alla le dieron cobertura, justicia, bla bla bla. En contexto, yo hubiese pasado el limazo tanto a la pareja hetero como la homo. La discresion es importante. No lo rega/no por las paterias, es por carifresco.
ReplyDeleteLos medios siguen creando idolos y todos comentan para adelante y para detras, sin siquiera analizar la magnitud de los disparates que unos cabecillas le dictan.
Grita 'adultero' al contrincante mientras en silencio espera con ansias visitar a la chilla.
Y la blogosfera local hace referencia circulares (como una noria) a lo que dicen los foros.
Yo veo la web como una fuente infinta de informacion. El tema de la chemotaxis del clip de google es interesante por todas las ramificaciones que tiene en todas las areas, no solo unas bacterias en un plato pietri.
Conozco tus particulares sobre el tema de la natalidad, tu conoces los mios. Ambos tienen granos de verdad y raciocinio. Simplemente puse una nueva ficha en la mesa que entiendo nadie le dio improtancia localmente.
y sigo, que estoy super atareado.