Monday, June 18, 2012

[276] Video Monday

Hace tiempo que no escribo.  Asi que decidi poner otro intermedio de videos.  Tomo un break de mis labores para hacer esto.  No se si han estado en estas, pero cuando le prometes algo a un cliente por cumplir una meta y entonces tienes que hacer malabares para poder cumplir.  Bueno, pues hoy decidi poner un video animado por un grupo Israelita llamado Eatliz.  El video es viejito pero encontre la actitud y el simbolismo de la ni/na interesante.

Ese estilo Gothic Lolita lo habia visto antes.  Como dije antes me gusta una buena historia y me ha fascinado la adaptacion que Marvel Comics hizo de Ozma of Oz.  Para el que no este familiarizado con la obra de Frank L. Baum y la serie de Oz aqui wikipedia:

Volviendo a Eatliz, algo del video Hey que postee aqui:
Director Guy Ben Shetrit and his fifteen strong animation crew took three years to complete the piece. The team use the CGI software adroitly, the modeling being particularly impressive, the events unfolding against a background and stylishly drawn props and set that are economically applied though with fabulous detail going into facial expression and toad. I almost forgot the toad. It's a great mammoth of a beast, transporting his (no her is that ugly) companion around on back and tongue. Now journey animations are not new, music video directors would be out of business without them; Guy however retains an element of surprise throughout the four minute movie. Some scenes have sufficient spectacle for any two music videos. The fairground and bathrooms scenes fairly fizz with energy, no more so than when they combine and our heroine takes a trip in the bathtub atop the big dipper. She has fizz and attitude herself, the neat conclusion adding to her sense of growth in the voyage. It's quite depressing to introduce a man of such all-round talent, but Guy is not only the director, he is the founder and main composer of Eatliz and wrote the song - with lyrics by Maya Dunitz. (Now had Guy done the vocals .... I would really have been impressed.) But, hey, all three facets of his involvement are shown off to perfection here and he also gets to play guitar!

En otras habia mencionado alguna vez (por lo menos puse dos videos) de Fiery Furnaces, un grupo indie de hae varios a/nos atras.  Esta en particular me recuerda a la ex...

La letra de la cancion debajo:

One of those blonde ladies had a certain hold on me.
I went to all her seminars by the Airport in the Double Tree.
I even let her use nephew's sea plane in the Bahamas for free.

But she means nothing to me now.
I tell myself that everyday:
She means nothing to me now.
I tell myself every single day.
I'm quite convinced I escaped her sway.

I burned all my clothes with eucalyptus juice;
Ripped out the floors and painted all the platforms puce;
And I went so far as to sacrifice a second snake to Zeus,

So she means nothing to me now.
I tell myself that everyday:
She means nothing to me now.
I tell myself every single day.
I'm still convinced I escaped her sway.

But when she mopes in the moonlight on her mesa in March,
Does she kick up a thunderstorm
When she thinks of my betrayal?

She means nothing to me now,

Adaptacion de David Byrne (ex cantante de Talking Heads)

A seguir laborando entonces...Malditas promesas que hago sin poder cumplirlas...


  1. Saludos horticulturales desde mi Santurce ocupado, no por el imperialismo yanki, sino el enclave o diaspora de la Hispaniola...quiza le interese este excelente blog:

  2. Good find. Ocupado pero bien.
