Thursday, November 21, 2013

[337] The Other Side of the Coin

Hoy ha estado corriendo por la web este video alterno de la pelicula Gravity donde la comunicacion entre el personaje de Sandra Bullock hablando con un chino es vista desde la tierra.  El corto de 7 minutos presetna la misma desolacion del espacio cambiando el espacio por la tierra.

A mi me cambio completamente la percepcion de la pelicula donde pense que la escena ocurria en una remota casa en el medio de un espeso bosque chino.

Aqui el link:

Sobre la escena y la pelicula mas aqui:

Similar a este tema en el espacio era esta discusion sobre las penurias de ser pobre y desamparado o como no saltar de la case baja a la clase media.  Pudiese ser tocando botones pero da una idea de la logica de una persona desesperada en la miseria.

Hablando mas del tema de las apariencias este proximo articulo es interesante porque presenta el caso de que sin atibioticos como la penicilina el abuelo del autor murio extremadamente joven.  Sin embargo contrasta como estos mismos poderosos antibioticos ahora resultan causar supermicroorganismos que los resisten.  Ironico no?  Pudiese ser overhyping pero tienen un punto.  Estamos demasiado, extremadamente higienicos...

The article was about my great-uncle Joe, the youngest brother of my cousin’s grandmother and my grandfather. In a family that never talked much about the past, he had been discussed even less than the rest. I knew he had been a fireman in New York City and died young, and that his death scarred his family with a grief they never recovered from. I knew that my father, a small child when his uncle died, was thought to resemble him. I also knew that when my father made his Catholic confirmation a few years afterward, he chose as his spiritual guardian the saint that his uncle had been named for: St. Joseph, the patron of a good death.
I had always heard Joe had been injured at work: not burned, but bruised and cut when a heavy brass hose nozzle fell on him. The article revealed what happened next. Through one of the scrapes, an infection set in. After a few days, he developed an ache in one shoulder; two days later, a fever. His wife and the neighborhood doctor struggled for two weeks to take care of him, then flagged down a taxi and drove him fifteen miles to the hospital in my grandparents’ town. He was there one more week, shaking with chills and muttering through hallucinations, and then sinking into a coma as his organs failed. Desperate to save his life, the men from his firehouse lined up to give blood. Nothing worked. He was thirty when he died, in March 1938.
El articulo tratamos en una era de resistencia de microorganismos y las nefastas consecuencias que puede tener en el mundo.  Interesante tema para una pelicula...
Iba a seguir pero creo que ya discuti demasiado...Me voy que me deja el tren.

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