Tuesday, August 28, 2012

[288] Restoration Blues - Jesus Wept

Una duda cuando se restaura una obra.  Cuando una restauracion se ha restaurado demasiado?  Una interesante discusion que ha crecido con toda la cubierta mediatica que le han dado a un fresco de Ecce Homo en Zaragoza.  Cae con una expresion que uso aqui a cada rato: el infierno esta lleno de gente de buenas intenciones.
El blog Philosophy of Science comienza el debate y en su presentacion me recordo las consabidas criticas a proyectos de gran envergadura como la restauracion de la Capilla Sixtina en Roma.
Techniques of restoration are an immensely delicate and controversial topic: the procedures that one generation of restorers swear by, and insist constitute the final answer to how to restore paintings, are frequently repudiated in equally emphatic terms by their successors.

In the Fifties and Sixties, for example, many frescos were detached from the walls on which they had been painted on the grounds that it would protect them from damp and other environmental damage. In the Eighties, restorers came to the conclusion that this practice was in fact extremely damaging, and it is now never followed.

En el caso de la Capilla Sixtina se hizo un monton de pre planificacion hasta finalmente correr la restauracion en una forma uniforme.  Trabajar en una forma uniforme implica que se haran sacrificios en el proceso.   No se puede complacer a todo el mundo.  En mi opinion, aunque se perdiesen elementos irreversiblemente a su vez se rescato un patrimonio de gran colorido enterrado entre cera y hollin de vehiculos romanos.
Aims of the conservators
The aims of the conservators were as follows:
  • To study the frescoes progressively, to analyse any discoveries and utilise the appropriate technical responses.
  • To record every step of the operation in archival reports, photographs and film.
  • To use only those procedures and materials which were simple, extensively tested, not harmful, and reversible.
  • To repair cracks and structural damage that threatened the stability of the plaster.
  • To remove layers of grime consisting of candle wax and soot that had been deposited by the burning of candles in the chapel for 500 years.
  • To remove repainting by previous restorers that attempted to counteract the effects of soot and other accretions.
  • To remove oil and animal fat used to counteract salination of areas where water had leaked through.
  • To remove crystalline accretions of salt that had whitened areas where water had leaked through.
  • To conserve surfaces that were in danger of further deterioration because of bubbling, and flaking.
  • To restore sympathetically those areas where deterioration of one sort or another had obliterated details and caused loss of integrity to the whole, for example, filling a bad crack and painting the plaster in a colour matching the original.
  • To maintain in small defined areas a physical historical record of the previous restorations that had taken place.
La leccion de vida de todo esto son dos.  Primero - No puedes complacer a todo el mundo, Segundo-Al uniformizar el procedimiento siempre vas a perder algo.  Pero pesemos los pros a los contras.  Estas mejoras alargaran la vida de esta obra mucho mas que las restauraciones previas.

The Sistine Ceiling before restoration
There were big cracks in many places too, and water stains on the ceiling. A white crust of salt had formed here and there.
Why didn’t somebody do something?
They had, at least half a dozen times. Already in Michelangelo’s time they painted over the salt crust, which was unremovable, with linseed oil to make it transparent.
A hundred years later a gilder rubbed all the frescoes with linen cloths and bread.
In 1713 somebody used wine to dissolve the grime. Another time someone else thought they could brighten up the colors with a coat of varnish.
But the frescoes kept getting darker and darker. The candle flames sent up wax and soot with each Mass and the open windows let in the black clouds of exhaust from the cars of Rome. The daily crowds of tourists brought great sudden changes of temperature and moisture too, which added to the general deterioration.
In 1981 the Vatican decided to save the frescoes. They announced a long-term restoration project. First the ceiling and then the front wall: Michelangelo’s Last Judgment fresco.
How were the latest bunch of experts going to proceed? Which method were they going to use this time? Bread? Linseed oil? Varnish? Some dissolvent? How DO you clean a dirty picture? What if when you clean it the colors come away with the soot?

To some they seemed just a little too bright. “Could an artist of such supreme taste have been content with those garish colors? they asked.
“And don’t the figures look flat now? If there’s one thing Michelangelo put into his paintings it was relief.”
sistine-jonah-afterThe great Jonah before and after the cleaning.
They noticed that certain features, certain details of the old darkened version which they had admired, had disappeared. Some of Michelangelo’s shadows were gone and some of the “new” ones looked odd. For example, they were red. Who ever heard of a red shadow?
Daniel before and after the cleaning
It looked like maybe the restorers had removed some darkness that WAS NOT grime but a wash of charcoal Michelangelo himself had applied to give the figure relief. The proof came from the missing black eyes of two or three of the figures. Michelangelo had evidently painted the eyes ON TOP OF the plaster. Now they were gone and the figures looked blind!
A young woman in the Jesse spandrel before and after

Oops!  Demasiado blanqueador.  Please denle UNDO.  Que no hay UNDO, pues asi se quedo...

Most people are happy to see the frescoes so brand-new looking. The cleaning job has to be given very high points. It was done conscientiously and by experts. Was it wrong to trust them? The worst is that there is no going back. What they did cannot be undone, which violates a simple norm of modern art restoration.
Maybe if Michelangelo turned over in his grave when he heard about it, now, after reflection, he would admit that, all in all, the ceiling is closer to the way he left it. The world still honors him like no other artist.
Les dejo este excelente tratado de la restauracion de obras arrancadas de las paredes y montadas en nuevas cupulas.  Da una idea de la magnitud de la obra que implica restaurar un fresco.

As a general conclusion it can be underlined that the reconstruction,

restoration and conservation of icons and frescoes cannot follow any algorithmic

steps. It requires creativity, and a professionally qualified degree of

improvisation is to be expected. Also in some cases team work is essential. The

modern technologies, some of them very high, can only help and enhance the

work of specialists; they cannot replace them in any way.

Bueno aqui un tour virtual:

Sigue impresionando igual, con o sin relieve.
Seguiremos informando segun me libre de mis tareas diarias...

Sunday, August 19, 2012

[287] Video - Stink Bomb

Version corta.  Tras el fiasco de ayer ahora veremos la continuacion de la huelga de brazos caidos relativo a la criminalidad para echarle la culpa a no tener el SI en el tema de limitacion de fianza.  Me puse a ver clips de internet ayer y tropece con este corto entitulado Stink Bomb, parte de una animacion llamada Memories.

Es tan surreal que tenia que incluirlo aqui...

Watch "Stink Bomb (最臭兵器Saishū-heiki)" on YouTube

Stink Bomb
The comical "Stink Bomb" is about a lab technician, Nobuo Tanaka, battling the flu. He mistakes some experimental pills for cold pills and swallows them. The pills are part of a biological weapon program, reacting to the flu shot already in his body. Tanaka soon develops a deadly body odor and becomes a walking weapon of mass destruction. While taking a nap, the odor he emits kills everyone in the Lab. Horrified, he reports the incident to headquarters, as they instruct him to deliver the experimental drug to Tokyo. Meanwhile, the odor he emits grows stronger to where it affects several miles of the surrounding area, killing every living thing that smells his odor, except flowers and plants. The Odor is so potent that Gas masks, and NBC Suits offer no protection against its effects. His odor kills everything in the Yamanashi Prefecture, including all 200,000 inhabitants of Kōfu city. Nobuo continues on to Tokyo unaware of the death his smell is causing, but the rest of the country is in a complete panic. The head of the research company and the Japanese military deduce that Tanaka is causing the poisonous gas and order him to be killed. The Japanese Military tries in vain to stop Nobuo, causing immense collateral damage to the Japanese countryside, but to no avail, as the chemicals on Nobuo smell cause interference on the targeting systems of its heat-seeking missiles.
The U.S. military, who have been observing the situation to that point, utilizes Japanese policy to take over the operation, and calls in a NASA unit with space suits to try capture Nobuo alive. Unaware of this operation, the Japanese army collapses part of the bridge to prevent Nobuo from escaping, trapping him in a tunnel. They turn on wind generators loaded with Liquid Nitrogen in an attempt to freeze him. Tanaka becomes scared, disabling the machines while leaving the three astronauts unscathed. The soldiers force Tanaka into an exosuit and bring him back to military headquarters in Tokyo. Tanaka makes his way through the headquarters building, unaware that he is the source of the biological contamination. He then opens his exosuit, killing everyone.
It is mentioned the interview featurette that the story for "Stink Bomb" is based on an actual event. This may be referring to the toxic death of Gloria Ramirez.
Directed by Tensai Okamura. Script by Katsuhiro Otomo. Music by Jun Miyake.

No sabia que era asociado a un evento real...
Gloria Ramirez (January 11, 1963 – February 19, 1994[1]) was a Riverside, California, woman dubbed "the toxic lady" by the media when several Riverside General Hospital workers became ill after exposure to her body and blood. Her case was the basis for a scene in one episode of the American TV series The X-Files[2], an episode of the American TV drama Grey's Anatomy, a segment of a show on Discovery Communications' channel Investigation Discovery called "The New Detectives" [3], a third season episode of Weird or What?, and the "Stink Bomb" segment of the animated film Memories.


Thursday, August 16, 2012

[286] Del Tintero - Longitude

Realmente no tenia un tema para escribir hoy, hasta que comenzaron a preguntar por unidades que estan en desuso. Hablamos entonces de la unidad de nudos para medir la velocidad de las embarcaciones. La descripcion aqui:


Until the mid-19th century vessel speed at sea was measured using a chip log. This consisted of a wooden panel, weighted on one edge to float upright, and thus present substantial resistance to moving with respect to the water around it, attached by line to a reel. The chip log was "cast" over the stern of the moving vessel and the line allowed to pay out.[6] Knots placed at a distance of 47 feet 3 inches (14.4018 m) passed through a sailor's fingers, while another sailor used a 30 second sand-glass (28 second sand-glass is the current accepted timing) to time the operation.[7] The knot count would be reported and used in the sailing master's dead reckoning and navigation. This method gives a value for the knot of 20.25 in/s, or 1.85166 km/h. The difference from the modern definition is less than 0.02%
La velocidad era clave en la navegacion porque el metodo de localizar la embarcacion en el mar consistia en predecir apropiadamente la ruta.  El Estimado o 'Dead Reckoning' utilizaba datos de la velocidad de la embarcacion y el tiempo para estimar la posicion.  Mas aqui:

Dead reckoning, using best estimates of speed and direction, is subject to cumulative errors. Advances in navigational aids which give accurate information on position, in particular satellite navigation using the Global Positioning System, has made simple dead reckoning by humans obsolete for most purposes; however, inertial navigation systems, which provide very accurate directional information, use dead reckoning and are very widely applied.


Esto lo escribi hace casi dos a/nos atras...

Desviando de los temas politicos y ambientalistas de los ultimos posts decidi discutir de esta interesante serie que vi hace unos a/nos atras, donde se discute de como el progreso de la tecnologia fue clave para el desarrollo de la navegacion moderna. Tener relojes precisos y buena medicion de la velocidad era clave para no quedarse a la deriva.

La historia moderna indica que los metodos de navegacion existentes de principios del siglo 18 eran increiblemente imprecisos y causaban retrasos y naufragios innecesarios. Inglaterra tenia la necesidad de dominar los mares y convoca a una competencia con un premio significativo (20,000 libras esterlinas) para el que pudiese idear una tecnologia de navegacion lo suficientemente precisa y compacta para ser usada en las fragatas de la era.
El siguiente articulo da una buena introduccion a la novelizacion del tema en el libro Longitude.

Errors in navigation have also resulted in shipwrecks. Motivated by a number of maritime disasters attributable to serious errors in reckoning position at sea, particularly spectacular disasters such as the Scilly naval disaster of 1707 which took Admiral Sir Cloudesley Shovell and his fleet, the British government established the Board of Longitude in 1714.
"The Discovery of the Longitude is of such Consequence to Great Britain for the safety of the Navy and Merchant Ships as well as for the improvement of Trade that for want thereof many Ships have been retarded in their voyages, and many lost..." and announced the Longitude Prize "for such person or persons as shall discover the Longitude."The prizes were to be awarded to the first person to demonstrate a practical method for determining the longitude of a ship at sea. Each prize, in increasing amounts, were for solutions of increasing accuracy. These prizes, worth millions of dollars in today's currency, motivated many to search for a solution.
Britain was not alone in the desire to solve the problem. France's King Louis XIV founded the Académie Royale des Sciences in 1666. It was charged with, among a range of scientific activities, the improvement of maps and sailing charts and advancement of the science of navigation. From 1715, the Académie offered one of the two Prix Rouillés specifically for navigation.
[5] Spain's Philip II offered a prize for the discovery of a solution to the problem of the longitude in 1567; Philip III increased the prize in 1598. Holland added to the effort with a prize offered in 1636.[6] Navigators and scientists in most European countries were aware of the problem and were involved in finding the solution. Due to the international effort in solving the problem and the scale of the enterprise, it represents one of the largest scientific endeavours in history.



Interesante por demas como la precision de medir el tiempo se hizo necesario para navegar.

Mas aun, que los polinesios sean excelentes navegantes sin necesidad de tanta precision...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polynesian_navigation

A 2007 study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of chicken bones at El Arenal near the Arauco Peninsula, Arauco Province, Chile suggested Oceania-to-America contact. Chickens originated in southern Asia and the Araucana breed of Chile was thought to have been brought by Spaniards around 1500. However, the bones found in Chile were radiocarbon-dated to between 1304 and 1424, well before the documented arrival of the Spanish. DNA sequences taken were exact matches to those of chickens from the same period in American Samoa and Tonga, both over 5000 miles (8000 kilometers) away from Chile. The genetic sequences were also similar to those found in Hawaiʻi and Easter Island, the closest island at only 2500 miles (4000 kilometers), and unlike any breed of European chicken.[5][6][7] Although this initial report suggested a Polynesian pre-Columbian origin a later report looking at the same specimens concluded:

A published, apparently pre-Columbian, Chilean specimen and six pre-European Polynesian specimens also cluster with the same European/Indian subcontinental/Southeast Asian sequences, providing no support for a Polynesian introduction of chickens to South America. In contrast, sequences from two archaeological sites on Easter Island group with an uncommon haplogroup from Indonesia, Japan, and China and may represent a genetic signature of an early Polynesian dispersal. Modeling of the potential marine carbon contribution to the Chilean archaeological specimen casts further doubt on claims for pre-Columbian chickens, and definitive proof will require further analyses of ancient DNA sequences and radiocarbon and stable isotope data from archaeological excavations within both Chile and Polynesia.
[8] In the last 20 years, the dates and anatomical features of human remains found in Mexico and South America have led some archaeologists to propose that those regions were first populated by people who crossed the Pacific several millennia before the Ice Age migrations; according to this theory, these Pre-Siberian American Aborigines would have been either eliminated or absorbed by the Siberian immigrants. However, current archaeological evidence for human migration to and settlement of remote Oceania (i.e., the Pacific Ocean eastwards of the Solomon Islands) is dated to no earlier than approximately 3,500 BP;[9] trans-Pacific contact with the Americas coinciding with or pre-dating the Beringia migrations of at least 11,500 BP is highly problematic, except for movement along intercoastal routes


Cierro aqui por hoy...

Monday, August 13, 2012

[285] The Big Green - Especulando con el Carbono

El buzzword es sustentabilidad.  El lenguaje es reducir las emisiones de Carbono.  Guardar un futuro verde para nuestros ni/nos.  Hell!  Hasta mi compa/nia esta involucrada en esto.  Pero hacer todo un mercado especulativo basado en toneladas equivalentes de carbono es la solucion?  No es tan simple, y es un asunto altamente debatido como presento en los links debajo:

Ese debate ha intensificado en las Olimpiadas de Londres del 2012, una de las primeras en incorporar todo este juego de LEED certifications, reduccion de huellas de carbono y el carbon offsetting voluntario de la gente que viajo a los juegos.

Si se fijan esto va mucho mas alla de los bistromatics locales sobre cuanto cuesta una medalla o cuanto debe invertirse en nuestros atletas.  Tampoco es si se esta mejor celebrando las medallas de la Gran Nacion o si nos conformamos con ser chiquitos pero con mi Nacion, sin pitiyanquis.

Numbers written on restaurant checks within the confines of restaurants do not follow the same mathematical laws as numbers written on any other pieces of paper in any other parts of the Universe. This single statement took the scientific world by storm. It completely revolutionized it. So many mathematical conferences got held in such good restaurants that many of the finest minds of a generation died of obesity and heart failure and the science of math was put back by years. Slowly, however, the implications of the idea began to be understood. to begin with it had been too stark, too crazy, too much like what the man in the street would have said "Oh, yes, I could have told you that."

Es estupido cuestionar la inversion que se hace en las federaciones de deporte en la Isla cuando se derrocha infinidad de dinero en trivialidades y cosas banales.  Acaso se hizo un estudio viable de cuanto se subsidio para traer a la furia roja o a yanni a la Isla?

El deporte es necesario en la Isla...sin embargo seguimos recortando los programas.

De nuevo al tema.  Londres 2012 fue dise/nado desde sus inicios con la sustentabilidad en mente.  Y lograron buenos numeros y buena publicidad para los auspiciadores.  Ejemplos:

The event’s carbon footprint is now projected to be the equivalent of 315,000 metric tons of CO2, down 21 percent from the 400,000 metric tons estimated in March, according to a report released by the London Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games, seen by Businessweek.

London pledged to put sustainability at the heart of the games when it won the bid to host the Olympics seven years ago. While the organizers have met targets for waste recycling and reuse, they’ve struggled to achieve goals for renewable-energy output and power consumption, and in 2009 ended a plan to offset emissions from the games by investing in clean energy abroad.
The bulk of the emission reductions detailed in today’s report stem from a decision to rent temporary seating, barriers and other infrastructure rather than buy them new. The organizers also cut 90,000 square meters (969,000 square feet) of floor space in venues, saving 15,000 tons of CO2, they said.
Energy use in venues “proved to be particularly challenging,” the committee said in the report. “London 2012 has managed to find alternative solutions that ultimately are leading to better outcomes in terms of carbon reductions, even if not by the original means envisaged.”

Waste Targets

The Olympic Delivery Authority, responsible for building the venues, reused or recycled more than 98 percent of the waste from demolishing warehouses and other structures already on the games site, beating a 90 percent target. About 99 percent of the waste created when building the venues was reused or recycled.
The Olympic Park will get about 11 percent of its energy from renewable sources including solar panels, biomass boilers and small wind turbines, the committee said. The original 20 percent target was stymied in 2010 when organizers canceled plans for a 2-megawatt wind turbine at the site.

Suena bonito, pero se trae el problema del Carbon Offsetting.  Contamino aqui y te pago una mitigacion para restaurar en otro lado.  No busca reducir o eliminar mis emisiones.
Since no industrial operation can ever be entirely emissions-free, the term is largely synonymous with carbon offsetting - when an organisation funds an environmental scheme, generally in a developing nation, to counteract the emissions resulting from its operations. Over the past few years, however, offsetting has attracted a growing number of critics who say that pay-to-pollute schemes have little real impact on emissions levels and fail to discourage rich nations from cleaning up their acts.

"Offsetting is a false solution," says Robin Webster of environmental lobby group Friends of the Earth. "The focus needs to be on emissions reduction, both in the UK and abroad, rather than playing one country off another." Such criticisms have spurred demand for certified offsets, which demonstrate that real emissions reductions have taken place. One of the most widely recognised certification is the Gold Standard.
Mas transfondo del tema aqui:

Los criticos del sistema dicen que hacer la energia verde un mercado especulativo donde se canjean toneladas de carbono es una receta de corrupcion:

‘Green grabbing’ – the rapidly-growing appropriation of land and resources in the name of ‘green ‘ biofuels, carbon offsetting schemes, conservation efforts and eco-tourism initiatives – is forcing people from their homelands and increasing poverty, new research has found.

Ecosystems being ‘asset-stripped’ for profit is likely to cause dispossession and further poverty amongst already-poor land and resource users, according to a set of 17 new research case studies from Africa, Asia and Latin America, published in a special issue of the Journal of Peasant Studies.
“Green grabs are the dark side of the green economy,” said Professor Melissa Leach, director of the ESRC STEPS Centre. “If market-based mechanisms are to contribute to sustainable development and the building of economies that are not only green but also fair, then fostering an agenda focused on distribution, equity and justice in green market arrangements is vital.”
This means including meaningful local engagement and consultation based on transparency, accountability and free, prior informed consent. Yet green markets cannot do it all. In the rush to repair a damaged nature through trading and offset schemes, the political-economic structures that caused the damage in the first place must not be neglected.


We continue to receive many reports from people who have been approached by firms promoting carbon credits in the UK. Find out why you should be wary about investing in the carbon credit market.
Carbon credits can be sold and traded legitimately and there are many reputable firms operating in the sector.
However, we are concerned that an increasing number of firms are using dubious, high-pressure sales tactics and targeting vulnerable consumers.
A carbon credit is a certificate or permit which represents the right to emit one tonne of carbon dioxide (CO2) and they can be traded for money.
There are two categories of carbon credits: voluntary emission reductions (VERs) and certified emission reductions (CERs). We believe VERs certificates are increasingly being offered to UK investors.
You can find out more about the different types of carbon credits and how the market developed in information we published in 2011.

How it works

Investors are usually called out of the blue by salespeople promoting carbon credits, but contact can also come by email, post, word of mouth or at a seminar or exhibition.
You may be offered carbon credit certificates, or an opportunity to invest directly in a ’green‘ scheme or project that generates carbon credits as a return on your investment.
The caller may claim carbon credits are ‘the new big thing’ in commodity trading, industries now have to off-set their emissions, the government is focusing on green developments or that it is an ever growing market.
You could lose money on your investment by not being able to sell, or at least get a competitive rate, when trading a small volume of carbon credits.


Interesante lectura:

Foto de:

Pero mi compa/nia si trabajo en la calculadora de emisiones.  Muy interesante el desarrollo del tema.  Algo aqui:
ERM has helped to develop a carbon offset calculator for BP and the London Olympics 2012 in addition to calculating the carbon footprint of some of the UK’s leading athletes.
ERM is playing its part in supporting carbon neutral travel to and from the 2012 Olympics following a high profile project for BP’s not-for-profit carbon offsetting scheme BP Target Neutral*.
We have worked with BP to develop the Olympics’ Spectators journey emissions calculator for BP Target Neutral. This work is part of BP’s Olympic 2012 sponsorship.
The calculator aims to create awareness of the environmental impact of journeys, and invites ticketholders to sign up to have their travel carbon footprint offset at no cost to themselves. You can access the calculator at: http://www.bptargetneutral.com

Pueden correr la calculadora desde la pagina de BP:

En fin, el modelo deberia seguirse para ir mejorando las cosas y crear conciencia.  Estoy de acuerdo que estos grandes eventos tienen un gigantesco impacto ambiental.  Lo que haria sentido es que esos sitios, estadios y sistemas quedasen funcionando.  Como nuestra Villa Panamericana (la implotamos), o todos nuestros estadios deportivos que pasan al olvido luego de cumplir su funcion.

Asi que como veremos estos esquemas de aqui a cinco a/nos...como una solucion verde o como una nueva excusa para pillaje y corrupcion?  Me duele admitirlo pero creo que la segunda...

Thursday, August 9, 2012

[284] Energia de Alimentos Decomisados

Hace tiempo no discutia del manejo de desperdicios solidos en la isla.  Es apremiante hacer algo para reducir nuestra produccion de desperdicios por capita y mejorar sustancialmente los programas de reciclaje.  Es hora de salir del reducir y reciclar y comenzar a enfocar en el reuso.

Habia establecido que el desperdicio domestico tiene varios elementos que pueden ser desviados para ser utilizados responsablemente.  Estos incluyen:
  • Material Vegetativo como arboles, ramas
  • Material Putrescible como alimentos descompuestos o desperdicios perecederos
  • Escombros de construccion
  • Metales
  • Madera
  • Papel de Periodico y Libros
  • Gomas de Vehiculos

Actualicemos nuestra discusion.  Desde mi sabatica he visto que ha mejorado la recoleccion de desperdicios reciclables del municipio.  Por ejemplo, aun estoy sorprendido de lo rapido que el Municipio de Bayamon recogio los escombros del corte y poda de Benito (http://alcantarillaalquimica.blogspot.com/2012/06/275-benito-must-die.html)

Se enfoca en recolectar gomas de vehiculo y el reciclaje de aceites usados.  Sin embargo, hoy deseaba enfocar en el manejo de alimentos perecederos, expirados o da/nados.  Lo menciono ahora que comienza el nuevo semestre escolar.  Como la memoria colectiva es corta les menciono el monton de arroz de Pan American Grain que tuvo que ser decomisado de las escuelas del Departamento de Educacion:

Decomisan arroz de comedores vendido por Panamerican Grain
miércoles, 16 de septiembre de 2009
01:04 p.m.
Frank Gaud Carrau / Prensa Asociada
El Departamento de Educación, en coordinación con el Departamento de Salud, retiró hoy, miércoles, miles de fardos de arroz del almacén regional de Comedores Escolares de la región este que se compró en agosto pero resultó dañado.
Aida Vázquez, directora de comedores escolares a nivel central, confirmó que el arroz de los depósitos de Mayagüez, comprado a José Santiago del almacén de Panamerican Grain a un costo de 469,920 dólares, tenía gusanos.

Se urge cada vez mas a nivel mundial de la necesidad de eliminar o desviar de estos desperdicios de los vertederos por su potencial contaminante y por su potencial para recobro como energia.  Algo del tema:

A recent study in the United Kingdom suggests the country should ban food scraps from landfills by the end of 2020 and turn the perishables into energy through anaerobic digestion.
CentreForum, a UK-based think tank that develops evidence-based, long-term policy solutions, said the process could create enough biogas from green waste and purpose-grown crops to power more than 2.5 million England homes by 2020, according to the report.
Anaerobic digestion breaks down organic compounds to produce renewable energy and nutrient-rich organic fertilizer.
"[Anaerobic digestion] can make a significant contribution to the UK's renewable energy commitments, but only if barriers are removed," the report said.
Some of those barriers include access to financing and feedstock, confusion about government support, and apparent opposition from the UK government to purpose-grown crops.

Otro esfuerzo desde Minnesota:

Muchas organizaciones han presentado estos temas que pasaran al olvido.  Este en particular es de la Universidad de Cornell:
Recycling rates on the island are very low, Bonhotal said. Only 10 percent of waste is recycled on the island, with 90 percent going to landfills, compared with 54 percent going to landfills in the United States, according to the Environmental Protection Agency.
"Up to 60 percent of the waste stream in Puerto Rico is made up of food scraps and other organic materials that could be composted on site or in a municipal facility," Bonhotal said. "The infrastructure just hasn't been built there."
According to an analysis by Syracuse University, Puerto Ricans also produce more garbage -- 3.9 pounds per person per day, on average -- compared with 3.15 pounds on the mainland.
The reason, Bonhotal said, is because there is no tradition, information or infrastructure to encourage waste reduction in Puerto Rico.
Thus, the Cornell trainings addressed waste management and led a hands-on composting workshop, building worm bins, wire bins and a used-pallet bin. They also included a composting curriculum developed by CWMI in both English and Spanish, for students in grades K-12.
"There's a big push to do waste reduction and diversion," she said of Puerto Rican communities.
While the original goal was to train 10 college students, 50 showed up, from six universities across the island.
Bonhotal said the college students began working in schools even before the group had left Puerto Rico.
"We expect the ripple effect from this will be more than just getting this information to the schools," Bonhotal said. "The 50 students who have been trained will go home and have a compost bin in their yards. The schoolchildren will go home and show their parents. That's what we hope for."

Los federales tambien interesan discutir sobre el tema.  El USDA y EPA desarrollaron esta guia introductoria exponiendo el problema:
Del preambulo
Purpose of this Guide
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has found that more than one-quarter of all the food produced for human consumption in America is currently discarded. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has found that discarded food is either the largest or next single largest component (depending on classification) of America’s solid waste. The issue of how to reduce such waste is critical.
While this guide emphasizes processes in which excess food is recovered to feed hungry people, in a later chapter it will detail a “food recovery hierarchy” that shows how surplus food can be utilized at several levels.
This guide references several previously published materials on three prime ways of handling excess food in an environmentally sound manner: feeding food to livestock or zoo animals, recycling food for industrial purposes, and composting food. Because significant written material on those alternatives already exists, this guide primarily focuses on the top priority in the hierarchy: providing excess food to hungry Americans.
Luego sigo desarrollando el tema.  En el interin les dejo varias discusiones previas relacionadas al manejo de desperdicios solidos en la Alcantarilla:

Saturday, August 4, 2012

[283] Video Saturday

Curioso video, Animal Farm meets Occupy:
Le Peuple de l'Herbe - Parler le fracas -... por phofficial

Mas Cartoon Brew.  Me gusto este clip (a mi hijo tambien).  Background aqui (http://www.cartoonbrew.com/brewtv/21years.html)

So stupid!  But such an interesting idea...ukyo printing and classic NES games.  Zelda and Donkey Kong below.  I just had to include this here:
more here
check out his other stuff as well...

Cierro por hoy.  Mas temas despues.
Superman de nuevo,...