No tengo tiempo prara entrar en analytics o en trazar los cables de los titiriteros de los medios y contramedios locales. Asi que solo voy a exponer los riesgos de este nefasto tema de relaciones publicas a/nadiendo enlaces relacionados...
Monday, January 28, 2013
Friday, January 25, 2013
[308] El Circo Mediatico - Coca Cola y su Vitaminwater
Decidi irme light este round. Llevo varias semanas tratando de hacer entender a los foristas de Boicot a la Comay, Boicot a Dando Candela, Quitale el Dinero al Odio y Pedro J. Serrano Basta Ya! de como son manipulados por cabecillas con misiones.
Comenzaron como siempre diciendo que solo los gobiernos hacian censura. Que el Pueblo (R) indignado no hacia censura solo buscaban sanear los medios. Sin embargo, trase eliminar el programa de la comay de WAPA lo que han hecho es revelar su mano negra y ver la verdadera agenda.
Algunas de mis discusiones:
No era un cabal misterioso como hiceron claro en sus dos presentaciones en el Name. Pero es algo aun mas peligroso. Grupos de interes particular estan manejando manadas. Comentarios aqui y alla, articulos y estrategias que parecen ser espontaneos. Un premio o award que nadie en Puerto Rico habia oido antes.
O sease. Lo que el Grupo Ferre Rangel ha hecho con todos los medios locales por a/nos pero esta vez la base estaba en New York. Al contrario de Pedro Jose Serrano y su grupo no tengo tiempo de amarrar todos estos enlaces. Pero este movimiento es poderoso y el engranaje incluye elementos de varias organizaciones LGBTT nacionales, la ACLU, el partido democrata y varias organizaciones izquierdosas. Todo esto por las costuras, no tengo una prueba definitiva aun.
Tengo cosas como Latino Rebels, Shorty Awards...todas basadas en New York. Un poco de la carta de rpesentacion profesional de PJ Serrano:
Aqui por ejemplo en el entrelineas te admiten usaron sus influencias para torcer brazos a nivel nacional. A que costo o a quien beneficia estos boicots?
En las declaraciones iniciales escribieron la estrategia. El lenguaje de este hombre con 2000 amigos de facebook descontento...
o sea, levantar como 50000 likes en un dia requiere a alguien que sepa como iniciar la reaccion. Ejemplo, boicot a dando candela no subio posiblemente porque su creador no tiene ni los 2000 amigos ni esos amigos estan en los medios. Apenas logra 400 likes...Los medios ni lo miran.
Esta guerra empezo por todos sonjoseenrique. Sin embargo Jose Enrique ya no importa. Como tampoco importo que la alcaldesa de la capital barriera el piso con el que asesinaron en la SanSe. O sea, asesino reputaciones despues que no toquen a los mios. Expongo estos puntos y me bannean de las paginas, pero el tiempo nos ha dado la razon.
Diantres, desvie del tema. A lo que iba. Los publicistas nunca le interesan que sepas la verdad, solo que compres sus productos, aunque sean un chorro de embustes. Todo esto de los boicots y contra boicots me recordo esta controversia del 2007 con el producto Vitaminwater. Un agua azucarada promocinada como un producto beneficioso y saludable.
Solo que nada de eso era cierto. Solo era agua de azucar glorificada..Y asi los abogados se defendieron cuando una organizacion los demando por falsas alegaciones...
In a staggering feat of twisted logic, lawyers for Coca-Cola are defending the lawsuit by asserting that "no consumer could reasonably be misled into thinking vitaminwater was a healthy beverage."
Does this mean that you'd have to be an unreasonable person to think that a product named "vitaminwater," a product that has been heavily and aggressively marketed as a healthy beverage, actually had health benefits?
Or does it mean that it's okay for a corporation to lie about its products, as long as they can then turn around and claim that no one actually believes their lies?
Por que traigo el tema?...porque ahora coca cola quiere hacernos fit y nos ha hecho una calculadora para demostrar omo quemar esas 150 calorias de pura delicia con solo planchar y lavar ropa...Por supuesto esto es Coca Cola UK...Y por alguna razon a los ingleses les encantan las calculadoras, como l;as que usaron para los carbon credits y offsets para las olimpiadas en la pagina de BP.
No me creen? Aqui esta la calculadora de coca cola con unos screen grabs...
The Work It Out Calculator has been launched by the Coca-Cola company and matches all of its popular drinks with how long it would take to burn the calories off through various forms of exercise.
So while a 144 calorie can of Sprite could be worked off in an 18 minute Zumba class, it would take 47 minutes of ballroom dancing, or - if you could face it - 73 minutes of ironing.

Helpful advice or cynical PR ploy? The Coca-Cola calculator lists calories but not the sugar content of each drink
But if household chores fill you with dread, Coca-Cola reminds readers that: 'Great music can put the fun into vacuuming. Crank up a fast-paced tune and burn some calories while you clean!'
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Es estupido pero lo cierro ahi...Pero antes el video de sugarwater por Cibo Matto...dirigido por el excepcional Michel Gondry...
Thursday, January 3, 2013
[307] Un Issue Peludo para el 2013
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Miss Afrofinger |
La ruta es enredada, enfoquemos por pedazos:
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A Sanson le crecio el pelo y derribo el templo... |
[1] Cliches con las Pelirojas
De la misma manera que con las rubias o con el pelo malo o pasurin...Se crean estereotipos. Cuando muchacho quede preocupado de que un documental que vi decia que los primeros cavernicolas veian con malos ojos a los rubios y los tiraban de lo alto de los montes. Se que no es posible pero en aquel momento lo crei...
Pues algunos datos, hechos y curiosidades de las pelirojas aqui:
En realidad mi pelo es rojizo por momentos. Cuando joven...ahora es canoso...
[2] De Ahi Brinque a la Tendencia Moderna a la Depilacion Obsesiva
La depilacion de piernas y axilas es una costumbre relativamente moderna. Por que entonces la percepcion que oigo de radio y television es que estar completamente depilado es lo higienico y la norma? Decidi indagar al respecto. Del articulo de arriba:
But why do we recoil at the sight of a few follicles? When and why did women begin to strip hair from their bodies, anyway?
Historians are unable to pinpoint the first group of women to remove body hair, said Victoria Sherrow, author of "Encyclopedia of Hair: A Cultural History." Women in ancient Egypt used beeswax and depilatories made from an alkali, like quicklime, to remove leg hair, she said. Ancient Romans and Greeks used pumice to remove body hair.
"Some cultures regarded it as uncivilized, since body hair appears on animal bodies," said Sherrow. "The idea of a hairless body for American women developed between 1915 and 1945."
Many attribute the kickoff in 1915 to Gillette's Milady Decollete, "the first razor designed and marketed specifically for women, and was billed in the extensive national advertising campaign as the 'safest and most sanitary method of acquiring a smooth underarm,' " according to author Russell B. Adams Jr. in "King C. Gillette: The Man and His Wonderful Shaving Device."
The movement also took hold as sleeveless dresses and sheerer fabrics became fashionable and hemlines rose. Safety razors were also produced en masse.
"As the middle class grew, women's lives increasingly became defined by spending power and habits," wrote Jennifer Scanlon, professor of gender and women's studies at Bowdoin College, in her book "Inarticulate Longings: The Ladies' Home Journal, Gender, and the Promises of Consumer Culture."
It was the perfect storm for advertisers as magazines like Ladies' Home Journal and Harper's Bazaar flooded homes, not only informing, but shaping women's concepts of beauty.
"You see this kind of transformation of the female body — that women are increasingly to be looked at," Scanlon said of advertisements at the time. "There's sort of the promise that more and more women can gain access to beauty if they engage in these practices (like) shaving their armpits."
Como siempre...los medios y los negociantes crean moda para crear mercado...
Hay un adagio...
Where There is a Need, Create a Solution and Sell It.
Ahora es:
Create a Need, then sell the solution
Por ende las medicinas para enfermedades del primer mundo. O productios como el iPhone (x+1), que es bota el iPhone x en cuanto salga la nueva version...
O sea la depilacion es algo para crear un negocio. Pero de donde llego a los constantes brazilian wax que es la moda ahora?
[3] La Obsesion de Querer Erradicar el Pelo del Cuerpo
Esta obsesion tiene implicaciones. Se presenta como antihigienico o poco salobre tener pelos en el cuerpo. El nuevo ideal es estar completamente pelados. El argumento entonces es que hay dos riesgos, uno de salud por mantener el pelo y otro los riesgos a la salud de la depilacion con cera, corte, etc. para detener el crecimiento natural de pelo...
Ese es el meollo del articulo previo...
What’s “normal” in the pubic hair landscape has changed considerably over the last 20 years. Research suggests that pubic hair removal is increasingly the norm in Australia, the United States, and the United Kingdom; but has been documented as early as Ancient Egypt.
Recent studies of hair removal in young Australian women show that almost 50% of female undergraduates remove most or all of their hair. This trend is also present in men: about two-thirds of both gay and heterosexual Australian men remove pubic hair, mostly to improve perceived attractiveness.
Other reasons cited for hair removal include: possible increased skin sensitivity, perceived cleanliness, experimentation, and to please a partner.
And while we’re here, let’s also put an end to the three most common myths about pubic hair removal:
- The rate of hair regrowth will not change because of hair removal.
- Hair coverage will not change in density; your body has a set number of hair follicles.
- Ingrown hairs are common but not impossible to avoid; everyone has different susceptibility to ingrown hairs.
La percepcion definitivamente ha cambiado...este proximo articulo es del 2003:
But is body hair as unattractive as we are led to believe? A 1998 study by Washington University tested 115 female students and 86 male students on their reactions to a video of a model in a bikini. Half saw her with body hair, half without. Both men and women described the model with body hair as stronger, more aggressive, confident and active. The model without hair was seen as more sociable, happy, intelligent and only slightly more physically attractive. Viewers with feminist attitudes were more likely to have a positive view of body hair.
This illustrates two things. Perceptions of body hair are socially constructed and they are not unchangeable. The presence or absence of body hair is perceived to indicate traits that are stereotyped as masculine or feminine. Feminism has had a positive effect in breaking down stereotypes of "appropriate" traits for women and men. Feminists have generally rejected the practice of removing female body hair because they insist women should be judged by who they are, not what they look like. Despite the efforts of advertisers to convince women otherwise, some of these attitudes have stuck.
Women are more likely to be judged on their appearance and treated differently. The fact that men are now under scrutiny should make us double our efforts to free everyone from expensive, painful and needless forms of torture in the name of "beauty".
Salma Hayek as the Mexican artist Frida Kahlo in the recent film Frida, portrayed one of the world's most famous and sexy hairy women. The female stars of the current television adaptation of DH Lawrence's Sons and Lovers were told not to wax or shave, to stop going to the gym and to eat carbohydrates so that they would look authentic for the period.
The clock ticks in the world of fashion, and more natural hair is returning to the catwalks of Europe. We should point to these examples and use them to our advantage. However, against the barrage of advertising, this will not be enough to counteract the horror that people feel at their own natural body hair. Once again, we need to fight for a feminist perspective, one that judges all people on who they are, not on their designer body hair.
[4] Si ya las mujeres se depilan enteritas, por que no lo mismo con los varones?
El mundo de la moda, los deportes, hacen ahora repulsivo el pelo en los hombres...
It’s a Friday night. I’m at a friend’s family function and the house has been divided in two. In the back half of the house, the adults are eating canapés and getting suitably sloshed. Meanwhile the kids and teens are in the front half of the house eating cheesy-macaroni and watching the Olympics. When I join them, I find them deep in discussion, debating one of life’s hairier little subjects: fury underarms.
Only it’s not women’s underarm hair they’re interested in. The kids are watching the men’s trampolining event. As each athlete’s name is called, the competitor steps forward, raises his arm to salute the crowd, and- much to the horror or relief of the kids I’m with – reveals his underarm-muff status.
One competitor has no sign of underarm hair. The teen boys nod approvingly. Another has shaved his underarms but has a tuft of chest hair sticking out the neck hole of his uniform. The boys comment that he should have shaved that off too.
Then one competitor raises his arm to reveal a thick slick of licorice black hair proudly displayed for all to see. The kids go positively mental. Or at least the boys do. The girls seem quite content to just watch the gymnastics.
Meanwhile I’m wondering how on earth these boys have gotten through life without ever seeing their dad’s underarms. And when did boys become so anxious about body hair anyway?
Before I go on I should clarify that not all teen boys would have had the same reaction. I’m sure that plenty wouldn’t bat an eyelid. But more and more I am beginning to notice a bizarre and somewhat disturbing trend with the teen boys I work with.
[5] La Pornografia ha tenido influencia?
Ademas de la publicidad habia oido argumentado una vez que la pornografia y la depilacion de las mujeres fue creado en esa era de los 50. Que a traves de los a/nos se fue convirtiendo en la norma.
Comparando peliculas...en peliculas como Porky's todas las chicas en las escenas en ba/nos etc. estaban todas velludas, sin afeitar. Sin embargo, toda produccion reciente que he visto las chicas tienen brazilian wax o trimeado corto, tal como salio Helen Hunt en The Sessions (mencionado aqui:
A fin de cuentas, creo que es una preferencia personal. En mi caso considero estupido gastar tanto dinero para darse cera. Ademas de lo increiblemente tedioso que es afeitarse las partes intimas. Y si, me he afeitado en varias ocasiones cuando el pelo crece demasiado pero tiendo a odiar el ardor o picor que da cuando pega a volver a crecer el pelo...Quizas sea falta de costumbre...Como mi gata Roxie, que le gusta estar ba/nadita pero le aterra que la ba/ne...
Oh well, a la larga ajustare a lo que realmente le guste a mi pareja, cuando llegue el momento. Aunque pensandolo bien, ya es hora de un recorte...demasiado pelo alla abajo lo que hace es que uno sude mucho.
Como dije, todo un issue peludo...Feliz Dia de Reyes, octavitas y las fiestas de SanSe...
public perception
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