Tuesday, December 30, 2014

[386] Pixar se Adentra a la Psicologia Evolutiva

Una breve nota para cerrar el año.  He estado siguiendo con curiosidad la adaptacion propuesta por PIXAR de presentar una pelicula relacionada al desarrollo de las emociones de una niña en una nueva ciudad.  La pelicula se llama inside out.  Me llama la atencion el nivel de detalle que presentan el concepto de psicologia evolutiva con el uso de 5 (no 6 o 8 emociones) que se intersecan.
No soy psicologo pero siempre me ha llamado la atencion el desarrollo de los sentimientos y las reacciones humanas a las situaciones.  Segun la teoria un grupo conflictivo de emociones opuestas crean diferentes grados y sentimientos.  Es una vision mecanista y simplista de las cosas pero da una idea de como contrarestar pensamientos negativos con pensamientos positivos por dar un ejemplo.
Como estoy atareado lo que voy a hacer es dejar links relacionados al tema aqui.
[1] la rueda de emociones

Plutchik's psychoevolutionary theory of basic emotions has ten postulates.
  1. The concept of emotion is applicable to all evolutionary levels and applies to all animals including humans.
  2. Emotions have an evolutionary history and have evolved various forms of expression in different species.
  3. Emotions served an adaptive role in helping organisms deal with key survival issues posed by the environment.
  4. Despite different forms of expression of emotions in different species, there are certain common elements, or prototype patterns, that can be identified.
  5. There is a small number of basic, primary, or prototype emotions.
  6. All other emotions are mixed or derivative states; that is, they occur as combinations, mixtures, or compounds of the primary emotions.
  7. Primary emotions are hypothetical constructs or idealized states whose properties and characteristics can only be inferred from various kinds of evidence.
  8. Primary emotions can be conceptualized in terms of pairs of polar opposites.
  9. All emotions vary in their degree of similarity to one another.
  10. Each emotion can exist in varying degrees of intensity or levels of arousal.

[2] sobre la pelicula
But even if Inside Out is a failure, it'll be a noble one. It's so high-concept that it sounds like the precise scientific opposite of Cars, which can only be a good thing. And imagine the potential for sequels. If you liked watching the emotions deal with the transition from child to teen, imagine what fun they'll have when Riley gets pregnant. Or when Riley is forced to reassess her entire sense of self when she's made redundant from a job that she's pinned her entire identity on. Or when Riley confronts the inevitability of death for the first time as she witnesses a grandparent endure a long slow terminal illness. There's no end of places that this franchise can go.
[3] un poco mas de teorias alternas pero relacionadas
[4] brain divided
un concepto similar pero con dos sentimientos conflictivos
Extraño mucho a mi hijo que esta con la abuela en NYC...
Cierro por hoy, felices fiestas.

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