Tuesday, June 15, 2010

NEO vs Skyworker

Unos videos curiosos que tropece en internet...Me recordaron los dias buenos de MTV y su Liquid Television.


A series of Russian cartoon ads for some sort of crunchy snack called Xpyc Team have been posted on You Tube. The stick figure animation is really creative, and the minimalist sound effects are wacky and fun. The series is called “Versus”, and each one pits two fictional/nonfictional characters against each other. Russia’s Red Medusa studio made them.
Below is Neo Vs. Skywalker. Among the many others are Beetlejuice Vs. Jack Skellington, Frankenstein Vs. D’Artagnon and King Leonidas Vs. Chuck Norris.


Kofla Olivieri said...

Me encantaba MTV cuando salio al principio. Muchas de mis bandas de Rock favoritas salieron en los 80's.

antigonum cajan said...

Yo distinto, preferia todo lo Britanico, tanto regue/ska y demas.
Jamas usaria tal adjetivo, digamos que disfrutaba de ver/escuchar negros y blancos insulares, de alla y aca,
haciendo algo fresco que aun perdura.

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