Friday, February 24, 2012

[243] Curioser and Curioser Rant

Ante las aventuras mas recientes del candidato a la alcaldía de San Juan, Hector Ferrer se comienza a cumplir mi negativa y nefasta opinion de que la campa/na que viene no sera para elegir el major candidato sino que se circunscribira a quien quede en la papeleta.

Comenzaron desacreditando a Garcia Padilla con los viajes, los mismos hipocritas que aceptan kick backs todos los dias y tienen grandes deudas a grandes intereses.
Ahora usan la excusa de la separacion de la familia Ferrer para sacarlo de carrera.
Estos son los mismos de no metan la pata en san juan o que investigan caprichosamente a una figura de intachable moral como el juez Denton.  I mean, everybody fibs, everyone has a kickback every now and then.

Moral en calzonzillos, si preguntan mi opinion.  Se podra declarar una candidatura desierta si no hay un candidato u obra digno de ser electo?  Si no, deberia haberla.

Bueno, en temas relacionados he tenido que estar discutiendo de varios temas con la ex esta semana.  Ironicamente todavia recibo sus llamadas y textos, la tengo en mi lista de friends de FB, etc.  La relacion tiene que mantener ciertos detalles en beneficio del menor (que ya tiene la estatura de la madre y come como llaga).

Ella sigue todo este ambito de politica y discutiamos sobre los 5000 gatos que protestaron por el gasoducto (de nuevo).  Ella entiende que todo esta peachy porque asi lo dicta Luis Fortu/no Burset.  Curiosamente compara a los buscones como la UTIER, Casa Pueblo y Luis Gutierrez con este video de Spin Doctor’s – Cleopatra’s Cat.

Cleopatra's favorite cat
Got his hands on Caesar's spats
The heat was on as you could see
So he front 'em to Mark Antony.
Said, "My girlfriend's cat is smarter than me."

Caesar had an eye for clothes
He saw them spats and said, "I like those."
Caesar had no thing to say, except,
"Jesu Christi Domine,
Et tu, Brute,
Jesu Christi Domine,
Et tu, Brute."

The senate tried to sympathize
It was the cat they should despise
Informant told his whereabouts
Centurions to seek him out

Centurions! There go the centurions.

Brutus had to turn his head
When THIS cat done went and said,
"If he's got this thing for shoes,
He just might be ambitious, too.
They got holidays all in his name,
And all a tyrant needs is fame.
Those fascists don't play pretty games
Egypt is the place to be...
But Rome is a democracy.

Caesar never got them back
'Cause they killed his ass in the second act.
Brutus spoke, then Antony:
Said, "My girlfriend's cat is smarter than me.
Friends, Romans, can't you see
My girlfriend's cat is smarter than me
Egypt's biggest rivalry:
Cleopatra's cat and me."

Entiendo que lo que quiso fue comparer a los buscones con Cleopatra y sus maquinaciones. 

Aun asi, quede impresionado de su comentario tan rebuscado.  Pero de nuevo, synchronicity…relacionemos esa cancion a la pelicula de Cleopatra, donde Elizabeth Taylor estaba a todo lujo y fue por a/nos una de las peliculas mas caras en la historia del cine:

sobre todo, cierta entrada a roma que Madonna copio en el halftime 2012

En cuanto a la exactitude historica aquella pelicula se basaba en las historias de los triumviratos, la quema de la biblioteca de Alejandria o los ides of march de la obra de Antonio y Cleopatra.

Por si no lan hecho chequeense a Kate Beaton y su blog Hark! A Vagrant.  Muchos chistes de contexto literario e historico.  Como la muerte del Cesar:

O Wuthering Heights:

Les dejo detalles adicionales del emperador Augusto y de Antonio y Cleopatra por W. Shakespeare

En otro giro la version de Asterix estaba sumamente entretenida cuando ni/no…
The book begins with an argument between Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt, and Julius Caesar, in which Caesar belittles the accomplishments of the Egyptian people. Infuriated, Cleopatra makes a wager with Caesar promising to build a new palace in Alexandria within three months. Cleopatra summons Edifis, who claims to be the best architect in Egypt. She promises Edifis that if he builds the palace on time he will be covered with gold; if he fails, he will be a meal for the sacred crocodiles.
A worried Edifis thinks he needs magic to help him, enlists the help of the Gauls, Asterix, Obelix, Getafix, and Dogmatix. Thanks to Getafix and his magic potion, the work goes forward on schedule, despite multiple attempts by Edifis's arch rival, Artifis, to sabotage the construction after Edifis says he doesn't want to get help of them. Artifis tells the workers to demand less whipping, which would slow construction. However Getafix gives the workers magic potion. Artifis bribes the stone-delivery man to throw his quarry away, before Obelix beats him up, causing him to reveal the truth, a henchman tries to lock the Gauls inside a pyramid but Dogmatix helps him find his way out, he tries to frame the Gauls by sending a poisoned cake to Cleopatra, but Getafix makes an antidote enabling the Gauls to eat it, then cures the taster and claims eating too much rich food was giving him a bad stomach. Edifis is kidnapped and hidden in a sarcophagus in the house of Artifis, but Obelix frees him. Artfis and his henchman are forced to work on the palace, but without magic potion.
Just before the palace is due to be completed, Caesar intervenes by sending legions to try to arrest the Gauls, after he realises the three Gauls are in Egypt when a spy disguises himself as a worker, and sees the effects of the magic potion. The Gauls fight off the Roman soldiers, but the commanding officer proceeds to shell the building with his catapults. In desperation, Asterix and Dogmatix deliver the news to Cleopatra. A furious Cleopatra then hurries to the construction site to berate Caesar. Caesar's legions are required to fix the damage they caused (without any magic potion to help them) and the palace is successfully completed on time. Cleopatra wins her bet and covers Edifis with gold. Edifis and Artifis reconcile and agree to build pyramids together, and Cleopatra gives Getafix some papyrus manuscripts from the Library of Alexandria as a gift.
A la misma vez que puso ese video de analogia ella cambia su logo de FB por un angel dentro de dos piramides formando una estrella de David.  Mi reaccion inmediata al simbolo es la presentacion de Moebius sobre el Incal y aquella pelicula del quinto elemento…


Por si acaso, aqui algo mas de L’Incal y dos preproducciones para una pelicula basada en la serie.  De vez incluyo una foto que presenta las dos piramides…De moebius, ese flikr set da una idea de su arte.

Cierro demostrando mi curiosidad y obsesion con tonterias solo para decirles que estas maquinaciones no son nuevas.  Y que nos preparemos que la campa/na 2012 va a ser mejor que rolaccion…

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